Coronavirus and Frequently Asked Questions About this Disease

What are the first clinical signs of Coronavirus?

Sudden onset of more than three symptoms, such as fever, weakness, coughing, extreme tiredness, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of consciousness may be signs of coronavirus infection.
Many people have reported the loss of sense of smell and taste, the return of the sense of smell might take weeks, if at all because there is no specific treatment method for it.
Aromatic substances can be used to stimulate the olfactory nerves (if the olfactory cessation persists for more than two weeks), but care must be taken not to damage the nasal mucosa.
After about a week, a feeling of heaviness in the chest and shortness of breath are signs of exacerbation of the disease.

What are the skin symptoms of Coronavirus?

Coronavirus may cause skin symptoms such as skin rash and Urticaria.
If a person does not have a fever but has skin symptoms, he or she is probably less infected.

How is coronavirus transmitted?

Coronavirus is transmitted through respiratory secretions from person to person. This transmission can happen through sneezing, coughing, or talking through the formation of any airborne droplets and aerosols.
The possibility of Coronavirus transmission is reduced by observing social distance and proper ventilation of the space. Most cases of virus transmission are in distances less than 2 meters away from the patient without a mask.

Does Coronavirus survive on surfaces?

These days, as in the past, contaminated surfaces do not have specific role in disease transmission. Because under normal circumstances, on these surfaces, required viral load to cause disease does not exist.
The virus has the most durability on plastic and steel surfaces, the surface transfer has more importance in laboratories.

Can Coronavirus spread through the air?

The virus can be transmitted through the air; an infected can spread the virus in the air for more than 30 minutes and in his or her 8 meters’ distance.
Therefore, coronavirus can spread through the air, especially in closed and unventilated environments.

Can an asymptomatic person pass coronavirus to others?

One of the most common causes of coronavirus spread is its long incubation period. It takes about ten days from the time the virus enters the body and the symptoms appear.
Not all infected people generally show symptoms of the disease, although their viral load is similar to that of symptomatic individuals.
About half of the transmissions of the Coronavirus are made by these people.

Can the coronavirus be transmitted from mother to fetus?

There is some evidence suggesting transmission of Covid virus from mother to fetus through the fluid around the fetus (amniotic fluid), but no disease or fetal organ defect caused by the mother being infected with Coronavirus has been reported.
Pregnant women should mind Coronavirus infection, as the virus increases the risk of any danger in pregnancy, even the risk of miscarriage.

Can a mother infected with Coronavirus breastfeed her baby?

Since breastfeeding is important for the formation of the baby’s immune system, the mother can breastfeed the baby by following hygienic protocols (such as wearing a mask while breastfeeding, washing hands before and after breastfeeding, and disinfecting contact surfaces.)
If the mother’s condition is acute, her freshly pumped breast milk can be used.

Coronavirus and Frequently Asked Questions About this Disease

How much is the incubation period of coronavirus?

The incubation period of Coronavirus is about 3-14 days and on average, symptoms appear during 4-5 days. 81% of patients are asymptomatic or have mild or moderate symptoms and 14% of patients have severe symptoms and need to be hospitalized. In 5% of cases, the patient’s condition becomes critical and may require ICU admission and intensive care.
In the early stages, most people’s statuses are the same, but in the more advanced stages, people’s immune responses are different.
Nowadays, the names of various vaccines are heard in the media, but the most well-known of them are Pfizer (a joint product of Germany and United States), Moderna (made in USA), Sinovac (made in China), and Sputnik V (made in Russia).
The vaccine that will be distributed by Iran is his Sputnik V vaccine, made in Russia.
This vaccine has been tested on 20,000 people, based on the results of a preliminary analysis in February 2020, the effectiveness of it has been reported to be 91.6%.
People who have had Coronavirus before, can be vaccine again.

What does vaccine effectiveness mean?

The phrase that Sputnik V vaccine is 91.6% effective means that effective immunity is developed in 91.6% of people tested, and the desired level of immunity may not be achieved in 8.4% of others for various reasons such as old age or weak immune system.
The Russian-made Sputnik V vaccine has been injected into twenty countries around the world, including Russia, United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Venezuela, Hungary, Belarus, Bolivia, Algeria, etc., which have started vaccination in February 2021.

Is it possible to be infected with coronavirus by vaccination?

No, the adenovirus used to make the vaccine is not reproducible or pathogenic.

Could the Sputnik V vaccine have side effects?

Complications are usually mild and moderate in the first and second stages, which resolve within three days.
Topical side effects, including pain, swelling, and redness at the injection site, are some of the most common side effects of most vaccines.
Mild flu-like conditions such as sore throat, runny nose, sickness, headache, fever and chills, muscle and joint pains are other symptoms that may occur in different people.
Non-steroidal analgesics and antihistamines can be used to relieve side effects.
In some people, rare side effects such as regional lymph node enlargement, anorexia, and vomiting may also occur.
Since anaphylactic shock may occur in some people, emergency teams should be on site.
Liver enzymes, creatinine, lymphocytes, and ESR may increase, or neutrophils and hematocrit may decrease.

Who is not a candidate for Coronavirus vaccination?

People under the age of 18 are not allowed to get the vaccine.
Those who experience severe reactions such as anaphylactic shock, seizures, and fever above 40 degrees when receiving the first dose of the vaccine should not take the second dose.
Those who have a fever above 37 degrees before the first dose injection.
Those who are pregnant and/or breastfeeding.
People with an acute illness but show no fever should get the vaccine after at least two weeks and when they are fully recovered.

Who should not get the Coronavirus vaccine?

People with chronic diseases, such as kidney, liver, patients with metabolic problems (such as patients with uncontrolled diabetes and severe thyroid disorder).
People with blood clotting problems, such as hemophiliacs.
Patients with autoimmune problems such as MS.
Patients with central nervous system disease, such as patients with epilepsy.
Patients with heart problems such as patients with coronary artery disease, myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis.
Patients with malignant cancers.

Has the Coronavirus mutated compared to its original species?

Unfortunately, the Coronavirus is mutated frequently, and these mutated viruses have been observed in Britain, South Africa, Brazil, and the United States.
In addition to affecting the rate of transmission and spread of the virus, these mutations increase the mortality rate of the virus and can also affect younger age groups.
The severity of a patient’s condition depends on the type of primary or mutated virus, the amount and duration of contact with infected ones, and the viral load transmitted.
The body’s resistance to Coronavirus depends on existence of an underlying disease, the usage or non-usage of a mask, the type of mask, how the mask is used, and many other factors.

Do repeated mutations in the Coronavirus make its vaccines ineffective?

Although the effectiveness of the vaccine may be reduced, but this fact should not be a cause for concern.
Before injecting the Coronavirus vaccine, the most effective measures to prevent the spread of the disease are to use a mask, observing social distance, and avoid crowded and unventilated areas.

What is the possibility of a person be infected by coronavirus for multiple times?

In some people, the infection has been observed for the second and third time.

How to use a mask in a Coronavirus pandemic properly?

According to recent research, the use of two surgical and cloth masks simultaneously will prevent the transmission of the virus up to 96%. First, the surgical mask is fixed to the nose bridge with a metal rod and a cloth mask is placed on it so that the edges of the surgical mask stick to your face.
People at higher risk, such as medical staff, need to use N95 masks that don’t require a second coat.
Infected people should use unfiltered masks.
In case of getting wet, replacement should be done for a surgical mask in two hours and for a N95 mask in 8 hours.
Touching the inside of the mask should be avoided as there is a possibility of transmitting the virus inside the mask.
The mask should be replaced immediately when it has a certain deformation, damage, or odor.
Masks should be discarded in a plastic bag after use and discarded after tying the bag’s lid.

How long will the coronavirus pandemic last?

Since without general vaccination, coronavirus is not possible to control, a significant percentage of the world’s population should be covered by Coronavirus vaccination.
Since it will take lots of time to vaccinate everyone in the world, the best way to prevent Coronavirus is to use a mask and follow health protocols.

What is the level of oxygen saturation in different stages of Coronavirus?

Stage 0; Asymptomatic infection / before any symptoms appear: SpO2> 93%
Stage one; Early stages of infection: SpO2 = 90-93%
Stage two (respiratory phase): SpO2 <40%
Stage three (severe inflammatory phase): SpO2 <88%

What is the best test to diagnose Coronavirus?

The best way to diagnose this disease is by PCR test and by sampling the salvia or nasal mucosa. In this test, the RNA of the virus is examined by examining the salvia or nasal mucous.
A negative PCR test does not mean that there is no Coronavirus infection, and even with mild symptoms and a negative PCR test, a person may be infected by Coronavirus.
CT scan and other diagnostic methods can be used when symptoms and signs of the disease appear.
If an asymptomatic person takes tests and the PCR test is positive, he or she should be quarantined for up to ten days.

When can people with Coronavirus infection get out of quarantine?

For patients with acute symptoms (without underlying disease) at least 10 to 20 days after the onset of symptoms, the decision to end the quarantine time is with a specialist.
To get out of quarantine earlier in an emergency, laboratory confirmation is needed, i.e. the result of two PCR tests must be negative 24 hours apart.
In patients with mild to moderate symptoms (without underlying disease) at least ten days must be passed after the onset of symptoms and at least 24 hours without the use of antipyretic drugs, their fever must be stopped.
A person without symptoms who have not had a diagnostic test and is only likely to come in contact with a patient with Coronavirus does not need to be quarantined.
After recovery, infected one should wear a mask like other people and is also required to follow other health tips.
People with certain medical conditions whom may be at greater risk for being infected by Coronavirus than others:
Overweight people whose BMI is above 30 or more.
People with chronic kidney failure.
People with anemia.
People with type 2 diabetes.
People with severe cardiovascular problems such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy.
All types of malignancies.
Solid Organ Transplantations.
Types of asthma sufferers (moderate to severe).

Are there any people immune to Coronavirus?

No one is resistant to Coronavirus, and on contrary to popular belief at the beginning of a Coronavirus pandemic, children are more likely to be infected by Coronavirus, but in most cases, the symptoms are milder in children.

What is meant by “close contact” in health protocols?

Anyone who may or may not have been in contact with the patient for 2 to 14 days after the onset of symptoms.
Direct physical contact with an asymptomatic or infected person (such as shaking hands, hugging)
Face-to-face contact for at least 15 seconds at a distance of less than one meter.
Caring for a patient or virus carrier without the use of appropriate personal protective equipment such as masks, shields, gloves, etc.

Should I see a doctor if I have any symptoms?

In a pandemic situation such as the Covid 19 virus epidemic, the first suspicion must be of the same virus.
Seeing a doctor early can help to diagnose an infected person faster, as well as cut off the transmission chain in the community. Starting treatment faster prevents the destructive process of the disease and increases the chances of recovery.
With the onset of any respiratory symptoms such as allergic reactions, seasonal allergies, and even colds, including sore throats, sneezing, and runny noses, a person should be suspected of having Coronavirus. The patient or the virus carrier may not have a fever, but fever is one of the most important symptoms of Covid 19.

What are the effective drugs in the treatment of Coronavirus?

Since viruses are the causes of this illness and antibiotics are only effective in treating bacterial infections, their indiscriminate use causes the body to have microbial resistance.
It is recommended that antibiotics be avoided if there is not a strong suspicion of concomitant bacterial infections.
Deficiencies of vitamins A, C, D, and selenium and protein are important in the immune system’s ability to fight off a variety of diseases, so taking these supplements is only recommended for people who are deficient in micronutrients. But overusing medicinal supplements can sometimes have side effects.
The Moj Aramesh Amitis Company team hopes that all the people of the world will go through this pandemic in perfect health, which will not be possible without the observance of health protocols.


Written by: S.Hajizadeh
Translated by: N.Rahimifar

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