Kidney transplantation is a surgical procedure to obtain a healthy kidney from a donor who may be alive or dead and donate it to a person whose kidneys are no longer functioning properly. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs located on either side of the spine. Each kidney is the size of a fist. The main function of the kidneys is to filter and absorb minerals and fluids from the blood, and to remove waste products by producing urine. When your kidneys lose the ability to purify the blood, the number of harmful fluids and waste products in your body increases, which can raise your blood pressure and lead to kidney failure (final-stage kidney disease). The final stage of kidney disease occurs when the kidneys have lost about 90% of their normal functioning ability.

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The Cost of a Kidney Transplant

Depending on the hotel (accommodation) or clinic you choose in Iran, the cost of a kidney transplant in Iran will be different for you. Generally, to do so in Iran, you have to pay between $11,000 to $12,000. But if you prefer to have your kidney transplant in the U.S., you have to pay between $442,500 to $443,000, which is a lot compared to Iran. If you travel to Europe to do this, you will need $900,000 to $901,000. Kidney transplants can be performed in India from $17,000 to $17,500.

Kidney transplantation in Iran

General Information

Bronze Package

From $11990

No hotel


Silver Package

From $12215

5-night stay in a 3-stars hotel


Golden Package

From $12365

5-night stay in a 5-stars hotel


Visit Iran with Us

Moj Aramesh Amitis Company has considered the best and most luxurious hotels to host you in various cities such as Tehran, Mashhad, Tabriz and Shiraz to ensure your welfare and comfort during the stay. Depending on the package you choose and the location of the hospital where you will go through the treatment process, you can stay in one of these three to five star hotels. Also, the rich history of Iran and the pristine and wonderful nature of this vast country has created a good opportunity for you dear applicants to enjoy the pleasure of sightseeing one of the most beautiful countries in the world along with treatment.

Hotels Iran Tourism

Kidney transplantation in Iran FAQ

Can I exercise after having a kidney transplant?

The answer to this question is yes. However, regaining your strength and endurance after a kidney transplant will take time. But eventually, you can resume your normal daily activities. Walking is a great exercise to maintain muscle strength and power. After surgery, you should take 5 to 10 minutes a day to walk and then slowly increase your walking time.

Avoid strenuous exercise such as running, tennis, and weightlifting for at least two months after surgery.

Is there a limit that I have to comply with?

You should not smoke after a kidney transplant. The medical team informs you when you can start driving again, go to work or school, and travel.

How long will kidney transplantation last?

On average, transplanted kidneys last between 10 and 12 years.

What causes kidney transplant rejection?

Rejection of the kidney by the body is due to the reactions of the immune system to external factors. Although there are tests to show the percentage of possible rejection of a new organ by your body, there is no way to be sure that your body will accept or reject a new organ. 

Should I have dialysis again if my new kidney fails?

The answer to this question is yes. Depending on your medical records, you may be able to undergo dialysis, hemodialysis, or peritoneal dialysis.

Will the doctor put me on a kidney transplant waiting list if needed?

The answer to this question is yes. But you should ask your doctor to put your name on the waiting list.

Can I be on a kidney transplant waiting list before starting dialysis?

The answer to this question is yes. You may want to be evaluated for kidney transplantation before starting dialysis. After being evaluated and placed on the waiting list, you will be placed on the waiting list when your kidney function falls below 20%. 

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Kidney transplantation in Iran

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