Gastric bypass is a type of weight loss surgery that involves creating a small pouch from the stomach and connecting it to the small intestine. After gastric bypass, the swallowed food goes into this small pouch in the stomach and then enters directly into the small intestine.

Gastric bypass is one of the most common types of bariatric surgeries. Gastric bypass is done when diet and exercise are not effective or the patient’s physical health is threatened due to their high weight.

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Cost of Gastric Bypass Surgery

The cost of gastric bypass surgery in Iran varies depending on the hotel you have chosen to stay in or the clinic you have chosen. With $4,000 to $4,200, you can perform gastric bypass surgery in Iran. In the U.S., it costs about $20,000 to 20,100. The cost of gastric bypass is $22,000 to $22,500 in European countries. In Turkey, the procedure costs $6,600 to $7,000. In India, the cost mounts to $7,000-$7,500.

Gastric Bypass in Iran

General Information

Bronze Package

From $2740

No hotel


Silver Package

From $2920

4-night stay in a 3-stars hotel


Golden Package

From $3040

4-night stay in a 5-stars hotel


Visit Iran with Us

Moj Aramesh Amitis Company has considered the best and most luxurious hotels to host you in various cities such as Tehran, Mashhad, Tabriz and Shiraz to ensure your welfare and comfort during the stay. Depending on the package you choose and the location of the hospital where you will go through the treatment process, you can stay in one of these three to five star hotels. Also, the rich history of Iran and the pristine and wonderful nature of this vast country has created a good opportunity for you dear applicants to enjoy the pleasure of sightseeing one of the most beautiful countries in the world along with treatment.

Hotels Iran Tourism

Gastric Bypass in Iran FAQ

Will I need to receive blood after surgery?

Although uncommon, some patients may need to receive blood after surgery. 

What kind of anesthesia will I have for gastric bypass surgery?

An anesthesiologist will meet with you before surgery to talk about anesthesia. All patients undergoing bariatric surgery will have general anesthesia. This means that you will be completely asleep during the surgery. 

How long should I stay in the hospital for Gastric Bypass?

Most patients spend two nights in the hospital. For example, if you have surgery on Monday, you can go home on Wednesday. 

When can I return to work after Gastric bypass?

Some people can return to work two weeks after surgery. If you have other health concerns or if your job requires heavy weightlifting, you may have to take extra time off.

Do I need cosmetic surgery after Gastric Bypass?

Most patients are not recommended cosmetic surgery afterwards. Doctors are encouraging patients to exercise and maintain a healthy diet to minimize the need for cosmetic surgery. However, if you decide to perform these types of surgeries, you should see a skilled plastic surgeon. 

How much pain is there after Gastric Bypass?

Most patients have some pain after surgery. However, the pain is just a little more than laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. Most patients need to take analgesics for a few days after surgery. 

When can I start exercising again after Gastric Bypass?

As soon as patients regain consciousness, they are encouraged to walk. The key is to start slowly and listen to your body. After a short time, you can do heavy exercise. 

بای پس معده در ایران

Gastric Bypass in Iran

تحويل مجرى المعدة في ايران

bypass gastrico in Iran

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