Sleeve gastrectomy, also called Sleeve, is a surgical procedure for weight loss. Typically, this procedure is performed through laparoscopy, in which the upper abdomen is cut, and a few small tools are inserted. About 80% of the stomach is removed during gastric sleeve surgery, leaving a tube-like stomach the size and shape of a banana. Limiting the size of your stomach affects the amount of food you can consume.

In addition, it causes hormonal changes that contribute to the weight loss process. These hormonal changes also help prevent obesity-related diseases such as high blood pressure or heart disease.

If you are overweight, start losing weight by getting a healthy diet, exercise, and strong will. Don’t be among the many people at serious risk for their health because of their overweight. Serious dangers that threaten the health of your body with heart disease, cancer, and stroke disrupt your peace of mind. Enter the world of well-builts.

The first step to getting into this world is to know the cause of obesity in your body. Have you ever seen people overweight obesity quickly say they have no will or are not exercising? It is not easy to make hasty judgments about obesity. Finding the cause of this obesity will be a significant step toward treating it.

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The Cost of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Iran varies according to the hotel or the clinic you have chosen. With $3,650 to $3,750, you can do this surgery in Iran.

If you want to have gastric sleeve surgery in the United States, you must pay around $15,400 to $15,500. If you travel to Turkey to do this, you will have to pay between $ 13,000 and $ 14,000.

But if you have decided to choose one of the European countries, you have to pay between $15,500 to $16,000. If your chosen country is India, you must pay $4,100 to $4,200.

Gastric Sleeve in Iran

General Information

Bronze Package

From $3580

No hotel


Silver Package

From $3670

2-night stay in a 3-stars hotel


Golden Package

From $3730

2-night stay in a 5-stars hotel


Visit Iran with Us

Moj Aramesh Amitis Company has considered the best and most luxurious hotels to host you in various cities such as Tehran, Mashhad, Tabriz, and Shiraz to ensure your welfare and comfort during your stay. Depending on the package you choose and the location of the hospital where you will go through the treatment process, you can stay in one of these three to five-star hotels. Also, the rich history of Iran and the pristine and extraordinary nature of this vast country has created a good opportunity for you, dear applicants, to enjoy the pleasure of sightseeing in one of the most beautiful countries in the world and treatment.

Hotels Iran Tourism

Gastric Sleeve in Iran FAQ

Can I exercise immediately after gastric sleeve surgery?

After sufficient rest, you can do some light exercise such as walking.

I have previously had an abdominal surgery; can I undergo gastric sleeve?

Yes, however, you should share all your medical records with your doctor.

If I have heart disease, is it dangerous for me to go under gastric sleeve surgery?

It is advisable to consult a cardiologist before performing the procedure. But that does not mean you cannot do it.

Will I experience hair loss after gastric sleeve?

You may experience hair loss after surgery. This complication occurs up to six months after surgery.

I have a physical disability; how can I do my special exercises?

You can use some special devices for exercise.

Can I have surgery for postoperative skin drooping?

It is advised not to experience another operation for at least 18 months after gastric sleeve surgery.

Does insurance pay for the removal of drooping skin?

In most cases, no, because in terms of insurance, this is a cosmetic procedure.

اسلیو معده در ایران

Gastric Sleeve in Iran

تكميم(قص) المعدة في ايران

manicotto gastrico in Iran

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