pros and cons of Gastric Sleeve surgery

Obesity statistics is not only about Iran and today it threatens the health of people all over the world. In Iran, 46% of men and 50% of women have overweight or obesity. In United States, 300000 people die each year from obesity- related illnesses. Have you ever thought about dangers of overweight and obesity?
Physical problems can include a variety of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, respiratory problems, serious knee joint damages, lumbar discs, increased risk of developing or exacerbating cancer and even sleep disorders. Many cancers such as gastrointestinal, breast and kidney cancers, are highly linked to obesity.
But physical problems are only one part of the serious problems of overweight. Add mental illnesses such as depression, energy loss and reducing self-esteem to the above list.
You must have tried hundreds of suggestions and ways to combat obesity and failed. From a variety of slimming belts to different expensive but ineffective slimming supplements.
But you are here to find the right way. First of all, we should note that surgery is the last resort for treating obesity and the first step is to consult with a specialist and do your recommended treatments.
But regarding the obesity surgeries, which they are referred to as the latest treatments, it has to be said that today, with the advancement of medical science, there are various surgical methods to combat obesity. There are techniques such as Gastric Sleeve Surgery, Gastric Bypass, and Balloon and ring surgery. Gastric Sleeve Surgery is one of the best ways that doctors recommend those that their BMI is over 40 and they have diabetes type 2 and those who failed all treatments./ Gastric Sleeve in Iran

Types of obesity:

• If you are 20 to 40 percent fatter than your normal weight, you have mild obesity.
• If you are 40 to 99 percent fatter than your normal weight, you have moderate obesity.
• Finally, if you are twice fatter than your ideal weight, you have severe obesity.
Do I have eligibility for Sleeve surgery?
Sleeve is a major surgery in which you lose most of your stomach volume. But do you have the qualifications for this surgery?
• You should be over 8 years old
• Your body mass index should be greater than 40
• You should have been obese for more than 5 years
• You should have done all the treatments for obesity but failed to achieve the desired result
• You should not drink alcohol

pros and cons of Gastric Sleeve surgery

Technique of the surgery:

Two types of surgical techniques are used in cosmetic surgery: open and closed
• In open surgery, the doctor will open the entire abdominal surface and perform surgery. This method is not used in many surgeries today, due to scars and longtime recoveries.
• In closed or laparoscopic surgery, the doctor doesn’t need to open the entire abdominal surface. The doctor performs the surgery using a laparoscope (a device including a telescope, a camera and a light source) and he makes a few small incisions on the abdominal surface to enter the laparoscope into the body. Nowadays, many methods of slimming surgery use this technique because of shorter recovery and less pain.
Differences between Gastric Sleeve Surgery and Gastric Bypass
In bypass surgery, food enters the small intestine directly without crossing the stomach. In this surgery, the upper part of the stomach becomes a small sac. This kind is usually used for people who are not severe obese. But in Gastric Sleeve, you will lose more than 70% of your stomach and the whole stomach becomes a narrow banana. Sleeve Surgery is much more useful than Gastric Bypass for patients with severe obesity. Moreover, Gastric Sleeve Surgery is easier and faster than bypass.

Cost of Gastric Sleeve Surgery:

The cost of surgery is calculated by determining different parameters that affect the price. There are some factors such as physician expertise, surgical technique, surgical technique, type of hospital and etc. generally, the cost of this surgery in Iran is approximately between 25 to 30 million tomans.
Benefits of Gastric Sleeve:
• The volume of your stomach will reduce, as you lose 70% of it
• You don’t need to reduce or remove a part of your intestine
• No foreign item will be in your body
• Your gastric pylori will be intact
• You will lose 60% of your weight within 18 months after surgery
• There is possibility for being pregnant 6 months after surgery
• It doesn’t need special setting
Side effects of the Sleeve Surgery:
• It is an irreversible surgery. You will no longer have the part of stomach that you have lost
• You may have nausea and vomit in the early days after surgery
• There is possibility of leakage after surgical puncture

pros and cons of Gastric Sleeve surgery

Recommended diet after surgery:

First week:
• Only use fluids in the first week. Fluids such as water, natural and pulp-free juices and lean broth should be used.
• Second week: continue fluid diet and add fluids to the diet that contain protein.
• Third week: start eating semi-solid and pureed foods such as mixed soup.
• Forth week: you can start eating soft solid foods, such as boiled chicken and fish.
• Fifth week: you can eat usual foods but in very small portions. You should follow the tips below.
Observe the following instructions, when eating after Sleeve Surgery:
• Chew the food very slowly.
• Eat three compact meals at different times and when you are hungry between the main meals, use small nutrients as snack.
• Eat enough protein with fruits and vegetables every day
• Vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, folate and zinc deficiencies were reported respectively to be 3%, 23%, 3%, 3% and 14%. So do not forget to take essential multivitamins according to your doctor’s advice.
In fact, you need general changes in your diet, in addition to Sleeve surgery. A nutrition consultant will help you to quit bad eating habits like eating excessive sweets, alcohol and eating small amounts of food in bad times.
Keep in mind that one of the most causes of irreversibility of obesity after surgery is changing your former lifestyle in all cases. Adhere to changes you have made.

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