Frequently Asked Questions about Renting a Womb

Many people around the world suffer from fertility and infertility problems and have not been able to have children after many efforts. In recent years, the rental uterus method has become very popular among these people. Rental uterus can be a good method for reproduction and fertility.

Due to the fact that despite the widespread use of the rented uterus method, there are still questions and ambiguities about it, in this article from Moj Aramesh Amitis Health Tourism Company, we intend to fully discuss the common questions that may arise for you in the rental uterus process.

Frequently Asked Questions about Renting a Womb

What is a rented uterus?

Rental uterus is a new method of reproduction and childbearing in which a third person ovulates completely legally using sperm and forms the child inside the uterus. These people carry the baby in their womb until delivery and they are paid to do so. After the baby is born, it must be delivered to the owner of the sperm./ Surrogacy in Iran

This issue had many legal issues in the past and faced many problems due to the reduction of liability and lack of explanation of the correct rules for renting a uterus. But today the situation is completely different. Because under certain rules, the process of renting the uterus is done. In this method, a man and a woman who do not have children or have fertility problems can easily have a child if the man’s sperm has the power to believe.

What is the probability of having a healthy baby in a rented uterus?

The ability of a third person to conceive a healthy child through male sperm depends on several factors. In the first stage, it is observed whether the sperm is fertile or not. If the person’s sperm is completely healthy, the process of receiving a rented uterus takes place. The center that carries out the uterine rental process for you must also have a high reputation that you can be sure about the birth of the child and its conditions.

Do not forget that in this method, the genes of the surrogate mother are also passed on to the child. For this reason, there is a possibility of genetic diseases in the child. Always before renting a uterus, the surrogate mother’s health and physiological condition are thoroughly checked by a doctor to see if the surrogate mother is physically and mentally ready for pregnancy.

Also, during the 9 months of pregnancy, the necessary care should be taken and the replacement mother should be well fed so that a healthy child is born.

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What are the rules of rental uterus?

Uterine rental is not a one-day and easy process. Rather, it has its own steps so that in addition to the parties being satisfied with the outcome of the contract, the child is born healthy and the problems that may arise for the surrogate mother are avoided. For this reason, for a rented womb, everyone must follow the rules, otherwise their work will be illegal. The man and woman who intend to have children must first file a lawsuit, and the court must review and approve the lawsuit.

The court approves the request for a surrogate womb if the man or woman is subject to the rules of the surrogate womb process. For example, couples who have an infertility problem and have not been successful through persistent efforts can submit evidence and a medical certificate to the court. Men and women should also have mental, intellectual and moral health.

The husband must be a full Iranian citizen and must not use drugs or alcohol. This is a multilateral agreement that everyone must sign and be fully satisfied. For example, a woman who is in the process of renting a uterus, a couple, a court, and a doctor must sign a rented uterine contract with complete information.

What should be considered during the uterine rental process?

Many problems have arisen in the process of renting a uterus in recent years, which has made the rules related to renting a uterus more stringent. There are issues that after the signing of the lease agreement between the parties must be fully observed by the surrogate mother as well as the couple, and if either party does not comply with one of these cases, the contract will be terminated.

Even if the cost of renting the uterus has been paid, it will not be returned to the person in this case. A couple intending to rent a womb must pay the full cost of the procedure. A third person who rents out her uterus must pay for the pregnancy after receiving the fee and keep the fetus intact in her womb until the day of delivery. The surrogate mother who holds the fetus after the birth can not claim ownership of the child under the contract.

There have been a number of cases in which the surrogate mother, who has performed the uterine rental procedure, refuses to deliver the baby after it is born, or the surrogate mother may abort the baby due to problems during pregnancy. All this causes the parties to comply with the law by signing the contract.

How much does it cost to rent a uterus?

Unfortunately, despite the fact that renting a uterus is a good way to increase reproduction and childbearing and has many benefits, but because of the very high cost, most people can not do this process. The cost of renting a uterus in Iran is very reasonable. In other countries, the price of uterine rent is relatively high.

The reason for the high cost of renting a uterus is that in addition to the difficult process of conceiving and caring for a surrogate mother, this amount can be an almost adequate guarantee if the child has a problem or something happens to the surrogate mother during childbirth. Predict these events.

What are the requirements for renting a uterus?

In order for a couple to be able to request a rented uterus, the physiological and physical condition of the man and woman is first examined. For example, if a woman has had to have a hysterectomy due to certain problems, or has infertility-related illnesses, as well as illnesses such as heart disease, palpitations, and long-term illnesses that prevent her from carrying a good fetus during the first 9 months of pregnancy.

Can cause the court to accept the couple’s request for rented womb. Also, if a woman has a miscarriage on a regular basis and the laboratory results confirm her infertility, she will be eligible for uterine rent.

What are the steps for renting a uterus?

If you are planning to rent a uterus, you should know that the first step is a complete physical and mental examination of the parties to the contract. The parties to the lease agreement include the couple and the third party (surrogate mother). All tests, including those related to ultrasound and the physical health of the surrogate mother, as well as the couple, should be thoroughly reviewed.

Because the test results are evaluated in court. The couple must then send the test results to the court along with the letter of rent request. If necessary, a lawyer will appear in court and explain all the legal issues related to the parties so that all three are aware of this issue. The letter and the court result are then sent to the Rental Center. Once again, all documents are reviewed by this center.

Frequently Asked Questions about Renting a Womb

What are the duties of a surrogate carrier or mother?

The surrogate mother or carrier, as the person carrying the baby in her womb, is required to complete the period tests and care during pregnancy. Also avoid medications that may be harmful to the fetus. No smoking or alcohol is allowed for the third party. The surrogate mother should also avoid miscarriage and harm to the fetus until the day of delivery. To ensure that a surrogate mother can give birth to a healthy baby, the law requires that the carrier give birth to at least one healthy baby.

Rental uterus in Iran

In Iran, as in many other countries, rented uterus is one of the suitable cases for childbearing and reproduction. Iran will also have restrictions due to sharia law related to rented womb. From the point of view of Sharia and custom, renting a uterus in Iran is not a problem. However, it has been ruled that no looking or touching should be done. Rental uterus is performed in Iran in compliance with all medical and legal principles.

Concluding remarks

In this article from Moj Aramesh Amitis Health Tourism Company, we talked about rented wombs and frequently asked questions about rented wombs for different people. Rental uterus has been able to cure infertility problems of couples and people who could not have children.

Since there are different centers for renting a uterus and each one receives different costs, if you want to have a healthy child from a trusted person and a reputable center, try to do enough research in this area. Dear ones, you can receive a rented uterus in Iran, contact the experienced experts of Moj Aramesh Amitis Health Tourism Company, and follow the steps of receiving a rented uterus in Iran with ease.

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