Surrogacy Pros And Cons in Iran

Have you ever considered surrogacy in Iran? As a surrogate mother, the most beautiful thing a woman can imagine is giving another woman the opportunity to experience this wonderful feeling of becoming a mother. Most women want to know the pros and cons of becoming a surrogate mother before taking the plunge.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Surrogacy

Surrogate mothers, however, view carrying someone else’s fetus in their womb as a miracle. However, there may also be disadvantages to this. We will explain the negative and positive points of this procedure in the remainder of this article from the specialized blog of Moj Aramesh Amitis Health Tourism Co.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Surrogacy

The advantages of surrogacy

Women who become surrogates have different reasons for doing so. Most women who embark on a surrogacy journey are enthusiastic about pleasing another family. There are also other benefits to surrogacy.

Couples who are unable to conceive can embrace parenthood through surrogacy. In some cases, surrogacy is the only way for a couple to have a biological child. However, there are other suitable options, the most obvious of which is to adopt a child.

Surrogacy is a rewarding experience.

As enjoyable as carrying the child of a woman who cannot do so is carrying the child of a woman who can. This is a task most surrogate mothers look forward to. It is most common for surrogate mothers to be strongly motivated by a desire to help others.

Those who struggle with infertility can be transformed by the possibility of having children and having a family. People struggling with infertility can experience life-changing outcomes when they can have children. Therefore, this option makes everyone happy and satisfied.

Surrogate mothers can experience pregnancy again.

Many women choose to be surrogate mothers because they love being pregnant. Among the characteristics of becoming a surrogate is the opportunity to relive motherhood. When you carry a fetus for someone else, you can once again enjoy the experience of pregnancy without being burdened with the responsibility to raise the child.

Women who become surrogate mothers are compensated for their services. They receive a fee for their commitment, time, and possible risks. Surrogate mothers may also receive a payment for medical expenses. Additionally, surrogate mothers can be insured. You will receive a fee that can be used to help you meet your personal goals, such as buying a house, paying for tuition, or paying off debt.

Surrogate Mother’s Legal Protection

Surrogate mothers are legally protected. Upon signing the contract, you will be protected, along with the intended parents. These agreements set forth the obligations and responsibilities of each party towards ensuring a healthy pregnancy. As part of the contract, the surrogate mother also confirms that she does not have any responsibility for the baby once it is born.

It’s the fastest way to have babies.

The usual period for the surrogacy process (surrogacy screening until birth) lasts between 13 and 20 months, but the adoption of a baby takes between 18 and 24 months. Some parents take a long time to take custody of their newborn children. Because of the speed at which the desired result is reached, it is recommended that parents have children using this method.

Whether you are considering surrogacy or you want more information about its benefits, contact Moj Aramesh Amitis Medical Tourism.

Surrogate Mother's Legal Protection Benefits

Disadvantages of Surrogacy

In addition to all qualify this method also has several disadvantages. In the following, we will also examine the disadvantages of surrogacy, which you should keep in mind.

Challenges of Pregnancy

Women who plan to become surrogates will have to undergo various medical tests to qualify. During pregnancy, you will also have to cope with all the challenges of pregnancy and have regular checkups. In addition to possible physical problems, you may also experience emotional problems.

Surrogacy and carrying someone else’s baby are not easy tasks, and you may face many ups and downs through the procedure. If necessary, you may seek consulting services.

Surrogacy is a time-consuming process.

When deciding whether to proceed through surrogacy, you should consider that this procedure is time-consuming and requires commitment.
In addition to the nine months of pregnancy, you will be involved in finalizing contracts for about two months. In general, the process takes about a year to 13 months, during which time you cannot leave the country either for travel or work.

Your physical health may be in Danger

Like all pregnant women, your physical health is threatened by potential risks during these nine months. Pregnancy will also have negative consequences. If you are considering becoming a surrogate, you should consider all aspects to make sure you are physically able to take the risk. Embryo transfer to the surrogate’s uterus is performed in infertility clinics.

As with any other medical procedure, surrogacy can have complications. Some of the early difficulties of surrogacy include nausea, swelling, and pain. Also, the medications you are taking may have side effects.

Serious Risks of Surrogacy

More serious dangers that threaten you include:

  1. Gestational diabetes
  2. Damage to reproductive organs
  3. Blood pressure
  4. Abortion

The cases mentioned are complications of all periods of pregnancy. This means that even if you become pregnant naturally, you may experience these conditions. However, you may face other problems through the surrogacy procedure. For example, risks that threaten your health during the (IVF) process include:

  • Minor bleeding
  • Congestion
  • Infection

You may feel a bit disheartened by reading the content above, but you do not need to worry at all. All of the above problems are probable and may not occur at all. Make sure to follow your doctor’s instructions to reduce the risk of these problems to zero.

Taking Different Medications

As with any other pregnancy period, you may need to take some medications during this time. For example, your doctor may prescribe birth control pills, estrogen, and progesterone. In addition to taking medication, you should also undergo some tests, such as a blood test during this time. In addition, you must also complete an ultrasound course.

Some women are surprised by the sheer volume of medications, but this is essential for a healthy pregnancy.

Acceptance of People Around You

Although surrogacy is one of the methods of pregnancy, many people refuse to accept this fact and may also have a negative view of the issue. During this time, you may lose the support of those around you, and others may treat you differently may annoy you.

Challenges of the Post-Pregnancy Period

In some cases, the surrogate mother refuses to deliver the baby to the intended parents and keeps the baby herself. This can be problematic both morally and legally.

Emotional Problems

Since most women who become a surrogate decide to do so independently, the risks associated with pregnancy are less threatening to them. Emotional problems may be the most worrying issue in these people. Emotional challenges can be much more dangerous than physical problems. Women who become surrogates may experience the following emotional complications:

  1. Depression during or after pregnancy
  2. The uncomfortable and confusing feeling of losing a child
  3. Tension with your spouse or children
  4. Facing various challenges when establishing a relationship with the intended parents

Legal Risks of Surrogacy

Besides the physical and mental risks of surrogacy, there may also be legal repercussions involved in the process. Having difficulty enforcing your contract, for example, could be an unpleasant experience for you and may affect your decision to become a surrogate in the future. One of the most significant aspects of surrogacy is the development of the agreement.

Preventing legal problems is possible with the help of an experienced lawyer. Ultimately the decision is yours to make. Throughout this article, the advantages and disadvantages of surrogacy are fully discussed. Your job now is to consider the different aspects and make a decision based on them. Our team of experts can answer any questions you may have about the advantages and disadvantages of surrogacy by contacting them. You can also get more details about rules related to this procedure.

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