Gingival graft surgery is a periodontal surgery through which gum injuries such as troughs and gingival recession are treated. A gingival recession occurs when the gum tissue is worn out and part of the root of the tooth appears. As a result, teeth become allergic when eating hot and cold foods and drinks. Gingival retraction occurs slowly, which is why many people notice gingival retraction a little later, and if left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss. In this case, gingival graft surgery helps prevent further gingival resorption and repairs damaged gum tissue. In the continuation of this article, we will review gum tissue graft surgery from Amitis Dental Clinic.

What is gum tissue graft surgery?

Gum graft surgery is a procedure used to restore retracted gums that have exposed the root of the tooth. Gum graft surgery, which is a painless surgery, can prevent tooth decay and excessive gingival resorption. A gingival graft is a periodontal surgery that improves the appearance of the smile and protects the teeth against various factors.

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The Cost of Gingival graft in Iran and Other Countries

In general, the cost of gingival graft surgery depends on the surgical procedure and the patient’s condition. If the patient’s goal of gingival graft surgery is to prevent disease or repair the gums, he can pay part of the cost of the operation with the help of insurance; But if the is performed for cosmetic desires, the patient has to pay for it himself. The cost of gingival graft surgery in Iran is about $100, while it is $120in India, $180 in Turkey, $700 in Europe, and it is $800 in the United States.


Gingival graft in Iran

General Information

Gum graft

From $54 to $200

No hotel


Gingival graft in Iran
Gingival graft in Iran
Gingival graft in Iran

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Gingival graft in Iran FAQ

Is it possible for gum disease to return after gum graft surgery?

No; Gum graft surgery stops gingival tissue destruction, and if good oral hygiene and care are taken after gingival graft surgery, there will be no possibility of gum disease returning.

What do gingival swelling and the feeling of tooth displacement mean after gingival graft surgery?

If you notice swelling of the gums or a feeling of displacement of the teeth when you eat after a gingival graft surgery, your gums or teeth may be infected. So be sure to see a dentist and seek treatment so you do not lose a tooth.

Is gum graft surgery painful?

No; Because the surgical site is prepared with local anesthesia before the gingival graft surgery, the patient will not feel any pain during the operation.

When should we go to the dentist after a gingival graft surgery?

In some cases, the patient may show signs of infection after gingival graft surgery, so he or she should see a dentist immediately. Symptoms include severe pain, swelling and bruising, fever and chills, uncontrollable bleeding, and pus coming out of the gums.

Can gingival resorption and retraction be prevented?

Yes; By observing oral hygiene, regular dental visits, and dental examinations, gingival resorption and retraction can be prevented.

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