Teeth misalignment has a detrimental effect on the appearance of a person’s mouth and teeth. One of the most important factors that cause inconsistencies in the height of the teeth is the improper size of the tooth crown. The crown of the tooth can be broken or cracked due to malnutrition or poor oral hygiene. Any damage to the crown of the teeth can not only affect the chewing process, but also one’s beautiful smile; Because unlike tooth root, the tooth crown is visible.

One of the ways to solve such dental problems is surgery to increase the length of the tooth crown, which makes the tooth crown look higher. Crown lengthening surgery will be useful for people who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their teeth due to the short length of the crown. In this article from Amitis Dental Clinic, we will fully explain the crown lengthening procedure.

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The Cost of Dental Crown lengthening in Iran and Other Countries

Crown lengthening can cost differently depending on the type of tooth. The harder the conditions for the dentist and the more time it takes to repair the gums and remove them, the more you will have to pay. Sometimes just removing gum tissue is enough and there is no need to remove tooth bone, but if the dentist needs to do both procedures for you, you will have to pay more. The dentist’s skills and experience, as well as his expertise, will be effective in calculating the ultimate cost of crown lengthening. The average cost of this surgery varies in all countries. For example, in Iran, crown lengthening costs $175 per tooth, $200 per tooth in India, $190 in Turkey, $300 in European countries, and $350 in U.S. countries.


Dental Crown lengthening in Iran

General Information

Crown Lengthening

From $60 to $120

No hotel


Dental Crown lengthening in Iran
Dental Crown lengthening in Iran
Dental Crown lengthening in Iran

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Dental Crown lengthening in Iran FAQ

Who performs crown lengthening surgery?

Usually, a periodontist performs this surgery, but other dentists can do it.

How much does crown lengthening surgery in Iran?

This surgery costs approximately $175 in Iran.

Why is crown lengthening surgery performed?

Crown lengthening surgery is performed with both aesthetic and therapeutic aims. It is performed to prevent tooth fractures or decay and create a flawless beautiful smile.

After how many days are stitches removed?

With proper care, the stitches are removed about a week later.

What are the complications of crown lengthening surgery?

This surgery does not pose any complications but may cause some swelling, inflammation, and bleeding.

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Dental Crown lengthening in Iran

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