Restorative Rhinoplasty Surgery

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular surgeries among people, but sometimes it cannot provide the desired result for the patient, and finally, to correct it, restorative rhinoplasty surgery should be performed on the patient.
Due to the popularity of rhinoplasty, this surgery is one of the most challenging methods of cosmetic surgery.
The nasal structure has a complex structure and has an obvious position in the center of the face. In specialized rhinoplasty, the surgeon intends to correct nasal abnormalities while maintaining maximum nasal function, because without proper nasal airway function, the nose will not function properly.
Restorative Rhinoplasty, also called secondary rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure that aims to correct the problems left over from the patient’s first rhinoplasty. Residual problems can be related to respiratory or cosmetic problems that remain unresolved, while the results of previous rhinoplasty may not be as expected; secondary rhinoplasty is more complex than primary rhinoplasty. So choosing a skilled surgeon in this field will help you create the desired result.

Why do cosmetic surgery patients choose restorative rhinoplasty?

Patients seeking restorative rhinoplasty challenge the skills and experience of plastic surgeons. Restorative rhinoplasty is a surgery for any patient who has had rhinoplasty one or more times and wants to improve the appearance and often the function of the nose. These are just some of hardest cases surgeons often face.
On the other hand, patients are often dissatisfied with their previous surgery. Unfortunately, restorative rhinoplasty (also called secondary surgery) may not be successful in correcting cosmetic abnormalities that occurred in the last surgery or as a result of surgery.
Scar tissue from the previous rhinoplasty is often present in cases of restorative and can affect the final result, after secondary cosmetic surgery, it is also possible to restore the nose. Also, in most reconstructive rhinoplasty surgeries, it is necessary to use cartilage to eliminate the lack of removed cartilage or replace damaged cartilage.
One of the most common causes of doing restorative rhinoplasty among patients undergoing rhinoplasty is respiratory problems. In some cases, following rhinoplasty, the structures of the nose become weakened, and over time, respiratory problems such as the collapse of the nasal valve may develop.
When this happens, it can also cause aesthetic concerns for the patient. Since good nasal function is essential for the quality of life, any respiratory problems that persist or develop after initial nasal surgery should be treated with reconstructive surgery.
There may be issues in the appearance of patients that need to be addressed after rhinoplasty. For example, some patients who have choose rhinoplasty for removal of nasal protrusions may find that the problem is not completely resolved after surgery and has been remained. Some people may have an accident after the initial surgery, in which case they undergo reconstructive plastic surgery.


Restorative Rhinoplasty Surgery
Because the healing process varies from person to person, asymmetry and depression in the nose appear in some patients when the swelling subsides. If there are minor problems, these problems are often relieved with steroid injections. However, more important issues require restorative rhinoplasty, which should be performed at least six months after the main operation to ensure that the swelling has subsided sufficiently.
Other factors such as the quality of the patient’s skin, the severity of the problems, and the observance of pre-and post-operative instructions all play a role in the result of rhinoplasty. Although a poor recovery process can be caused by a variety of factors, it often results in fewer results.
The unfortunate but common reason why patients seek restorative rhinoplasty is because of their unrealistic expectations about the outcome of the primary procedure.
The nasal septum may deviate after a while, which requires both corrections of the nose appearance and its function. Deviation of the nasal septum with a deficiency in the upper lateral cartilage is a common occurrence in cases of reconstructive cosmetic surgery, which leads to the collapse of the internal valve which to expand the opening of this narrow area, it is necessary to use cartilage grafts called “diffuser grafts”.

What is done in restorative rhinoplasty?

Restorative rhinoplasty often requires the use of cartilage to structurally support the tip or bridge of the nose. Septo cartilage (middle blade) is often deficient, and plastic surgeons often have to select cartilage from elsewhere in the body, especially the ears and sometimes the ribs.
Soft tissue irregularities along the bridge of the nose or tip of the nose may also require tissue to repair that creates a covering or camouflage and acts as a permanent “natural filler.” An excellent source is Temporalis fascia, which can be effective in treating the thin skin of the patient’s nose, taken from a remote incision in the hairline.
Despite all the surgeon’s efforts, the risk of restorative rhinoplasty is higher than primary rhinoplasty (without previous rhinoplasty). You must be aware of this because no plastic surgeon can guarantee the result of rhinoplasty or any other cosmetic plastic surgery procedure.
If the patient is considering restorative rhinoplasty, make sure that the plastic surgeon has significant experience in rhinoplasty. Experienced cosmetic surgeons in this field accept many restorative cases. So look at the website of your potential surgeon to see how many rhinoplasty cases are in their photo gallery. Computer imaging may be helpful for your surgeon to visualize your possible outcome of the surgery. Patients with previous rhinoplasty are also a good source of information./How Many Hours Does Rhinoplasty
In the end, your decision to have rhinoplasty is a personal decision. Choosing an experienced plastic surgeon is the best chance to get a successful result. Most patients who are dissatisfied with the result of rhinoplasty can get the desired result of their rhinoplasty if they follow these simple recommendations.
Rhinoplasty requires both judgments by the patient and the surgeon. Careful preoperative evaluation facilitates appropriate patient selection. If the patient is considered a candidate for rhinoplasty, the patient and the surgeon should discuss the intrinsic goals and risks of rhinoplasty.
Before performing restorative rhinoplasty, one should think about the amount of cosmetic correction and the patient’s desired function and techniques related to the operation to achieve this correction. Also, the surgeon must ensure that the patient’s request for surgery is met and that he or she is satisfied. A careful preoperative surgery plan minimizes intraoperative accidents. Transplant material options should be discussed and agreed upon by the patient and surgeon before surgery.
The surgeon is committed to long-term postoperative follow-up and the patient is committed to be patience enough to achieve the final result.
Despite the various reasons that people may seek restorative rhinoplasty, the skill of the surgeon is a key component of the end result of rhinoplasty. Because restorative rhinoplasty is usually more difficult than primary rhinoplasty, only the most experienced plastic surgeons can perform this procedure effectively.
Moj Aramesh Amitis Company provides counseling in this regard by providing various services to patients in this field. Moj Aramesh Amitis Company cooperates with experienced specialists who can give the best advice to patients and help them achieve their desired condition.


Written by: S.Hajizadeh

Translated by: N.Rahimifar

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