Rhinoplasty for a bulbous nose

Rhinoplasty in Iran improves the harmony of the face. Rhinoplasty helps many patients with a round nose tip find more balance in their face. Often, patients with prominent noses find that their noses are the first thing people see on their faces. Rhinoplasty reduces the nose’s excessive protrusion and helps the nose blend with the features of the patient’s face and complement it.

Potential Patients for rhinoplasty

  • Hip hump: A bulge in the bridge of the nose
  • Nose width: The nose is too wide or too narrow
  • Asymmetry: A nose that is twisted or deviated
  • Prominent nose tip: Round nose tip, onion-shaped, oily, or disproportionate to other parts of the face
  • Nasal tip prolapse: The angle between the upper and lower lips of the nose that is less than 90 degrees
  • Post-traumatic abnormalities: Shape deviations after nasal injury (see Satisfaction after rhinoplasty)
  • Nasal airway problems: the collapse of the internal valve and variation of the nasal septum

The following three key factors in determining the ideal candidate

  • Nasal maturity (if the nose is mature enough – usually over 15 years old)
  • Emotional maturity (i.e., patients fully understand the concepts, risks, and purpose of surgery)
  • Realistic expectations (understanding the goals and limitations of action)

Onion-shaped or round nose tip is one of the common reasons patients seek treatment with rhinoplasty. In these people, the direction of the nose looks rounder, meaning that the tip of the nose is like a ball at the end of the nose. Most patients who apply for rhinoplasty with a round nose tip describe their nose as too wide or too large or believe their nose is out of shape.

In short, the tip of the nose should not be such as to draw attention to that point. The ideal nose should be proportionate in size and width so that the bridge of the nose reaches the tip of the nose with a certain elegance. The end of the nose should be sharp and triangular when viewed from below without any angles.

This form of the tip of the nose is called a soft triangle. This means that the direction of the nose is gently sloping sideways from the midline to the sides.

The main reason for the Causes of round nose

  1. Genetics
  2. Individual skin type (thick skin)
  3. Subcutaneous tissue (including nasal musculature, ligaments, and fat)
  4. The amount of cartilage that divides the nasal form
  5. Weak cartilage strength
  6. The shape and manner in which they appear under a person’s skin and some medical conditions and lifestyles.

People’s nasal skin varies in size and ability to contract; Therefore, the surgeon cannot change each type of nose. There are several different surgical methods to solve any problem in a person’s nose. The first step is to diagnose n’s nasal anatomy; then, the most appropriate surgical procedure can be selected.

The duration of surgery is different for each patient. This surgery is performed under oral sedatives or local anesthesia. Swelling will vary from patient to patient immediately after surgery, but the swelling is usually more severe in the first two days.

Rhinoplasty for a bulbous nose

Which cosmetic surgery method would a person with a round nose need?

Round tip nose Which cosmetic surgery method does open or closed nose need? Rhinoplasty generally uses two surgical procedures: external or closed. Open nasal surgery requires an incision along the lower part of the nose that separates the two nostrils. This is so that the surgeon can get a better understanding of the structure’s internal structures. The scar is difficult to detect because the skin will be located between the nose and the upper lip along the natural crease. Some patients may be candidates for closed rhinoplasty.

Incisions are made inside the nose during this surgical procedure. The most significant advantage of this method is that no scars are visible. The closed technique restricts options for cosmetic procedures, so a person may not achieve significant changes using this method-deformation of the nose with sutures. Round tip nose treatment is quickly done with suture techniques.

Permanent sutures can be placed through the elevated area of ​​the nose to narrow the lower lateral cartilage on either side of the nose. Then the cartilages come together at the same time. These sutures connect the tip of the nose and can narrow the tip of the nose and significantly improve the appearance of the tip nose.

How can a round tip nose be corrected?

Rhinoplasty is performed through rhinoplasty, which removes small edges of cartilage to correct them. Suturing techniques are also used to make the tip of the nose sharper yet natural. Sometimes, a cartilage graft is necessary to create the ideal tip of the nose.

Can the nose grow?

Bones do not grow after puberty, and muscle and fat cells do not divide. But cartilage (a plastic-like substance in the tissues of the ears and nose) continues to develop until the day it dies. This is why older people have more prominent noses and ears because, in addition to increasing cartilage, the eardrums are pulled down by gravity.

What part of the body stops growing first?

As the rest of a person’s body shrinks with age, the nose, earlobes, and ear muscles grow. They are made mostly of cartilage cells that divide more with age.

Does touching the nose make it appear larger?

Routine activities such as touching and rubbing cannot cause the nose to grow or deform and do not permanently affect the nose. There are rare medical conditions in which a person’s nose can grow, but these conditions cannot be affected by daily activities. Rhinophyma is a skin disorder characterized by a large, red nose, bulge, or round tip. These symptoms can be part of rosacea.

The exact cause of rhinophyma is unknown. This condition is prevalent in men between the ages of 50 and 70.

Is a round nose a sign of alcoholism?

There is a misconception that alcohol causes the tip of the nose to round and the nose to turn red. This type of nose, sometimes called a “drinking nose” or an “alcoholic nose,” is known as rhinophyma, a side effect of rosacea. Alcohol can aggravate rosacea so rhinophyma could aggravate rhinophyma.
In the case of nasal aging, fillers can provide a non-invasive treatment for concerns related to nasal deformity and nasal tip ptosis.

When does recovery occur?

The initial recovery period lasts approximately ten days to two weeks. For extra care, take at least ten days off from work. Some discomfort occurs after surgery, including swelling and tenderness. During this time, the head position should be as high as possible when resting. Plaster and sutures are removed in about a week, and adhesive tape is released a few days later.

Most swelling subsides in the first three months after surgery, but the nose takes up to a year to take on a new shape. Inflation can be expected to decrease by 20 to 30 percent three weeks after surgery, 50 to 60 percent in six weeks, and 90 percent in three months. It usually takes longer for the tip of the nose to heal than for other parts of the nose.

These days, despite the various advanced surgical procedures, achieving facial coordination and self-confidence is easier than ever. Moj Aramesh Amitis Company, with the cooperation of the most experienced doctors who have a lot of experience in round tip nose surgeries, assures the dear patients that the most satisfactory effective results will be provided for them.

Round tip surgery is one of the most challenging types of rhinoplasty surgery because achieving symmetry in the tip of the nose requires high skill. Iranian physicians with the highest number of operations performed are among the best choices for rhinoplasty surgery.

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