How Much Does Surrogate Mothers Get Paid

Surrogacy is when a woman carries a baby for a couple who are unable to conceive or carry a child themselves for medical or physical reasons. The intended parent(s) are person or persons who become the legal parent(s) of a child born through surrogacy. One of many issues raised by surrogacy is calculating a proper fee for the surrogate mother.

Surrogacy in Iran fee is classified into two methods: Altruistic surrogacy, in which, the gestational carrier or surrogate doesn’t receive financial compensation, And Commercial surrogacy, in which, the gestational carrier receives an economic reward for the tremendous physical and emotional effort she makes.

Altruistic surrogacy is when a woman will carry a child as a great act of generosity to help an infertile couple have a baby, the surrogate mother may not be reimbursed any fees more than all the expenses derived from the pregnancy. Commercial surrogacy refers to any surrogacy arrangement in which the surrogate mother is compensated for her services beyond reimbursement of medical expenses.

Usually, a surrogacy agency handles all aspects of finding the proper surrogate and the matching process, facilitates the communications between intended parents and surrogates and ensures the whole process is on the right track during pregnancy and after the baby is born.

Despite the many benefits of surrogacy for both parties, this process can be complicated in both medical and legal aspects and the legal process can be exhausting sometimes. Unlike commercial surrogacy, altruistic surrogacy is legal in many countries, although this process is completely banned in some other too including Cambodia, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, and Portugal.

Is Surrogacy Legal in Iran?

Surrogacy is legal in Iran, the US, and some western countries according to law enforcement. The legal and financial difference between several countries has caused people to look for cross-border surrogacy, meaning intended parents travel abroad to access surrogacy services.

While the issue of surrogacy fees has been debated for decades, many countries have not yet addressed it or are revising their laws. Plus, cross-border surrogacy has been increased numerously, but international laws (protocols, treaties, etc.) are not still redacted in this. In many travels done with the aim of surrogacy, sperm or egg donors are required to create an embryo.

Among all countries all around the world, the best countries to perform surrogacy are in Asia. Nowadays, couples who want to perform surrogacy travel to countries like Georgia, Kenya, Ukraine, and Russia with an approximate cost of $70,000. Iran, a country with equipped fertility centers, specialized doctors, and low treatment costs is a perfect health tourism destination for cross-border surrogacy.

learn more in Surrogacy Laws in Iran

Cost of surrogacy in Iran

Why is surrogacy expensive?

Surrogacy requires the expertise of many people, such as medical and infertility specialists, psychologists, social workers, and lawyers. It also includes several Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART), egg donation, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), and of course the cost of surrogacy and alternative costs of the surrogate.

How much does surrogacy cost worldwide?

Surrogacy costs vary based on the required services of each case. Generally, a typical trip to have a surrogacy procedure (excluding medical costs and the cost of IVF and pregnancy) may cost between $80,000 to $100,000.

learn more: Leading Countries in Surrogacy

How much does infertility treatment by surrogacy cost in Iran?

Iran is one of the most suitable countries in terms of price for surrogacy. IVF fertilization in Iran costs $ 3,000, which is much less than its global price compared to other countries. In Iran, surrogacy can be performed at a cost between $ 12,000 and $ 20,000. When calculating the cost of surrogacy, the costs can be divided into the following categories

  1. The cost of the surrogacy agency and its legal costs
  2. Laboratory and imaging costs
  3. Expenses paid to the surrogate mother
  4. IVF costs

What tests are done before IVF?

Three hormones are specifically tested, Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), and Estradiol. An AMH test is often used to check a woman’s ability to produce eggs that can be fertilized for pregnancy. A woman’s ovaries can make thousands of eggs during her childbearing years. High FSH levels often mean a decrease in ovarian reserve, which may affect the effectiveness of IVF.

In addition to a blood test, uterine and pelvic tissue are also being evaluated. Currently, there are four basic methods for evaluation of the uterus, which include:

  • hysterosalpingogram (which examines the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes),
  • Sonohysterography with saline injection (one of the new methods of sonography that is done by injecting saline into the vagina),
  • hysteroscopy (which examines uterine abnormalities).

The shape and length of the uterus are also checked before IVF. The uterus is rarely abnormally small. The normal length of the uterus is about 6 to 10 cm. this size increases in women who have given birth and decreases in postmenopausal women.

How is IVF done step by step?

The IVF consists of 6 main steps:

  1. Suppression of the normal menstrual cycle via medication.
  2. Ovarian stimulation using fertility medications to stimulate the release of one or more eggs from the ovary.
  3. Trigger Injection was used before egg retrieval to help facilitate a process called meiosis.
  4. Egg retrieval — The eggs are removed from the follicles through a needle connected to a suction device.
  5. Fertilization (insemination) and embryo development — The process of combining the male gamete, or sperm, with the female gamete, or ovum to make a zygote.
  6. Embryo Transfer — in which embryos are placed into the uterus of a female with the intent to establish a pregnancy.

Once the embryo has been transferred to the uterus, it is necessary to wait 2 weeks before the pregnancy test to determine the effectiveness of the treatment. These costs increase gradually from the first to the fourth type of treatment, and IVF treatment is mostly the most expensive for couples and includes the cost of medicines, para-clinical and testing services, and finally operating room costs including embryo culture, microinjection or freezing, and thawing services.

In a study, couples at a fertility clinic were asked to track all their expenses paid for 18 months. All costs included what they paid for their IVF medications and visits. For each additional cycle of in vitro fertilization in the United States, couples spend an average of an additional $ 6,900. So, according to this study, if a couple would like to do this procedure three times, they must pay a bit more than $33,000 themselves.

While a clinic may give you the estimated price for all items, another one will only acknowledge the cost for the IVF procedure, so you better visit different clinics and get information about the different costs and services they offer.

Miscellaneous expenses for monthly expenses

The monthly subsidy for each miscellaneous expense is for the surrogate mother and is intended to cover local (city) mileage, meals, childcare for medical appointments, and over-the-counter vitamins or supplements. This fee starts as soon as his legal contract is signed by the surrogate and will be continued until the written termination of the agreement by either party or after delivery.

Due to the low cost of living in Iran, the monthly costs paid to the surrogate mother will be much lower than the global costs. Many illegal centers perform the surrogacy procedure without any guarantee, this procedure should be done in a safe place, and not any center should be trusted.

Moj Aramesh Amitis Company is proud to perform this process for our high valued applicants at the most reasonable price, completely guaranteed.

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