The difference between abdominoplasty and slimming surgery

What is Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as “Tummy Tuck”, is a surgery to remove the skin as well as excess belly fat. Abdominoplasty also tightens the abdominal muscles and reduces sagging skin. The most common candidates for this surgery are men and women who have an upset or loose abdomen that has not been solved by exercise or diet. This type of surgery is very useful for women who have given birth several times and whose abdominal skin has been stretched and cannot return to normal.

This surgery usually takes 2-3 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. During this procedure, an incision is made exactly in the umbilical region (above the pubic bone) to remove excess skin. When the extra skin is removed, the skin above the navel is pulled down and sewn close to the incision. It is not very painful but it is performed under anesthesia. However, there may be some stiffness and swelling in the first few weeks after surgery. You will feel better within 2-3 weeks after surgery, but it is generally recommended that you avoid vigorous activity or heavy lifting for about 6 weeks.

Who are good candidates for abdominoplasty surgery?

Abdominoplasty is not good for everyone. Here are some people who may be good candidates for Tommy Tuck:

  • Physically healthy people (no problems with blood pressure, diabetes)
  • Non-smokers
  • People who have a stable weight
  • Women who have had multiple pregnancies

What to expect after abdominoplasty surgery?

This surgical procedure is ideal for people who are in normal weight but have a bulging abdomen that does not go away with other methods. After abdominoplasty, muscle repair and recovery occurs and the desired appearance is achieved. As long as no weight gain occurs after the operation, the results of abdominoplasty can be permanent. The person will have firmer muscles, fit better clothes and increase self-confidence. However, it does not prevent the natural effects of aging and lethargy over time.

The most important thing to remember before or after abdominoplasty is that it is by no means a solution for weight loss. Abdominoplasty does not even replace diet. Tummy Tuck does not eliminate belly fat. Only removes excess skin. Because fat levels remain unchanged after abdominoplasty surgery, the state of other health parameters, including body mass index (BMI), does not change. Tummy Tuck does not prevent diseases related to excess fat in the body such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure.

Therefore, it can be said with confidence that Tummy Tuck or abdominoplasty is just a cosmetic surgery that only improves your appearance and self-confidence. Before deciding on a Tummy Tuck, you should think carefully and compare it to other better methods such as weight loss surgery, which actually helps to lose body fat .

The difference between abdominoplasty and slimming surgery

Benefits of Abdominoplasty

Reduce stress urinary incontinence

After vaginal delivery, some women may experience stress urinary incontinence, a bladder control problem that is associated with the inability to control urination and is caused by coughing, sneezing, exercising, or even laughing.

In most cases, stress urinary incontinence can be treated without surgery. In patients who need more care, several studies have shown that abdominoplasty can help the patients, especially in patients who have not had a cesarean section. During this procedure, a partial obstruction in the bladder is created using soft tissue near the pelvic area, which can reduce incontinence.

Improves the condition of the abdomen

After severe weight loss or multiple pregnancies, the abdominal muscles may swell and diet or exercise alone may not help. Abdominoplasty strengthens weak muscles, eliminates excess skin and fat, and flattens the abdomen.

Weak abdominal muscles are often associated with curvature of the spine. After abdominoplasty surgery, patients may find that their condition has improved significantly thanks to the tightening of the muscles that support the spine. Improving support and better body posture can be effective in relieving certain types of low back pain.

Improve abdominal hernia

An abdominal hernia occurs when the intestine or abdominal tissue protrudes from the abdominal wall and forms a sack. There are many potential causes for this problem, including abdominal weakness due to excessive weight loss or surgeries such as cesarean section .

The underlying symptoms that require abdominal hernia repair are dramatically similar to those associated with abdominoplasty. Both surgeries improve muscle weakness and pressure on the skin. No matter what the cause, whether it is pregnancy or overweight, a weak abdominal wall can cause a hernia.

After a single abdominal hernia, it can happen again easily. Often, the surgeon will consider the benefits of performing an abdominoplasty to repair the hernia, to strengthen the abdominal wall, and to prevent the next occurrence of the hernia. The combination of methods is not only safe, but also very practical, because it can reduce medical costs and recovery time.


What is slimming or weight loss surgery?

Slimming surgery, also known medically as obesity surgery. In order to undergo weight loss surgery, a person must meet the following conditions:

  • A person with a BMI of 40 or a BMI between 35-40 with an underlying condition that improves with weight loss such as high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

They Has previously tried other methods for weight loss, such as physical activity, diet modification, or medication, but has not been successful.

  • No health problems that may make surgery dangerous or risky for the person.
  • A long-term commitment to follow all medical guidelines required after weight loss surgery
  • Previously examined and treated by an obesity team.

Bariatric surgery is mainly performed using laparoscopy, which is a minimally invasive procedure. There are many types of weight loss surgeries that can be mentioned:

Gastric sleeve: Also known as gastrectomy sleeve, it involves removing about 80% of the stomach.

Gastric bypass: is the standard surgical procedure for weight loss. This procedure involves dividing the stomach and small intestine.

Gastric banding: This procedure involves placing an inflatable ring in the upper part of the stomach to create a small sac at the top of the stomach and the rest of the stomach at the bottom.

Duodenal switch or intestinal bypass: This method includes two sub-methods. The first method is to create a tubular sac of the stomach that occurs by removing part of the stomach, and the second method is bypassing a large part of the small intestine.

Stomach balloon: An inflatable balloon enters the stomach through the throat and occupies most of the stomach space and gives the person a feeling of satiety.

Benefits of Obesity Surgery

All of these weight loss surgeries work by changing the structure of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract or by making psychological changes in the body that balance energy and fat metabolism. Compared to Tummy Tuck, weight loss surgery reduces the patient’s desire to overeat and the frequency of eating by reducing the feeling of hunger and increasing the feeling of satiety. These changes promote a healthier lifestyle. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness, which will increase your body’s ability to burn fat and reduce stress levels.

In addition, weight loss surgery significantly improves obesity-related diseases such as hypertension, sleep apnea, arthritis, cholesterol-related abnormalities, heart disease, fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and poly ovarian syndrome. It becomes cystic.

In addition to these improvements as well as increasing longevity, weight loss surgery also helps to improve the quality of life. Various psychological functions such as motivation, self-esteem, mobility, work, social interaction and improving sexual function are enhanced in the individual. In addition, depression and anxiety are reduced after obesity surgery.


The difference between abdominoplasty and slimming surgery

Slimming surgery causes weight loss by reducing the size of the abdomen by limiting the amount of nutrients entering the body. On the other hand, abdominoplasty has no effect on appetite, nutrition and metabolism.

Slimming surgery is a procedure that aims to improve a person’s overall health, while abdominoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that only aims to improve a person’s appearance.

Obesity surgery is generally performed by a general surgeon with a board specializing in obesity surgery, while abdominoplasty is performed by a plastic and cosmetic surgeon.

Obesity surgery does not remove excess skin and fat and the contour of the body does not improve, but abdominoplasty removes loose and sagging skin and creates a unique contour in the person.

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