The difference between natural and fancy nose surgery

With rhinoplasty, the shape of the nose will be changed. The motivation for rhinoplasty may be to reshape the nose, improve breathing, or both.

The upper part of the structure of the nose is bony and the lower part is cartilage. Rhinoplasty can change bone, cartilage, skin, or all three. Talk to your surgeon about whether rhinoplasty is right for you and if so, what goals you can achieve by doing it

When planning a rhinoplasty, your surgeon will consider other features of the face, the skin on the nose, and what you want to change. If you are a candidate for surgery, your surgeon will prepare a special program for you.

The purpose of plastic surgery is to eliminate nasal abnormalities as much as possible and create an ideal and standard nose appearance; but the difference in people’s tastes and surgical methods has caused many changes in the outcome and the final shape of the desired nose of people after surgery.


Different models of rhinoplasty

Natural model

Certainly the natural model does not mean that some of the original defects of the main nose are preserved, but it does mean that the nose is in perfect harmony with other parts of the face. After rhinoplasty, candidates for this type of surgery will not have obvious features such as scars and sutures, and the nostrils will not be very small. In other words, if friends and family see the person after the nose job, they will not notice the nose surgery. In normal nasal surgery, only the defects in the appearance of the nose are eliminated and the tip of the nose is not narrow or straight. Also, the most important feature of a normal nose is the absence of curvature on the nose. For men, this shape is more suitable than the nose and they like it more.

Fantasy model (Barbie / Doll nose)

In fancy nose surgery, the nose is smaller than usual, the tip of the nose is pulled up, and the bridge of the nose is curved. A fancy nose may look completely artificial because the back of the nose is too curved or the tip of the nose is too high, causing the nose to look completely out of shape. The size of the doll’s nose may also not match the other parts of the face and may look abnormal. But despite all this, this type of nose is very popular and has been requested by many women.

A doll’s nose is not suitable for every face, so women who want to have fancy nose surgery should consider the overall shape of their face.

Semi-fantasy model

A semi-fancy nose is a combination of a natural and a fancy nose. In this model, the created arch is less than the fancy nose, which makes the nose less curved than the fantasy models, and in general, this nose is suitable for people who do not want to have a natural nose, but also do not like a fancy nose.


“Natural” model in bony noses

The natural model in a bony nose means that the tip of the nose does not rise and the bridge of the nose does not bend too much.

“Natural” model in fleshy noses

Fleshy noses are more likely to undergo natural rhinoplasty.

Nasal angle

The angle between the nose and the upper lip should be 90 to 100 degrees in the normal model of the nose, if this angle reaches 105 degrees, the nose will look fancy. Noses with angles above 105 degrees look very artificial.

The difference between natural and fancy nose surgery

What makes the natural structure of rhinoplasty unique?

The natural structure of rhinoplasty is a strategy that focuses on keeping the nasal cartilage, bone and soft tissue in a natural position and creating a natural contour. In this method, a new nose is created in a way that does not look like surgery. The nose fits the face. The nose is better than a person’s natural nose and fits his face.

What are the main aspects of natural rhinoplasty?

  • Cartilage formation in normal anatomical position
  • Keeping enough cartilage to minimize nasal asymmetry
  • Minimizing the use of nose tip grafts that create a sharp nose
  • Minimizing raising the tip of the nose to prevent the nose from being pulled too far upwards
  • Avoiding excessive curvature of the nose
  • Preventing scar tissue
  • Rapid recovery to prevent long-lasting scar tissue that prevents the nose from appearing during surgery.
  • Keep enough cartilage to prevent excess nostrils from rising.

Three reasons for patients’ dissatisfaction with natural rhinoplasty are:

  • Excessive removal of cartilage and bone
  • Put the tip of the nose cartilage in an abnormal position
  • Use of visible nasal tip grafts

The goal in natural rhinoplasty is to preserve the septum as much as possible. The doctor preserves most of the septum and repairs only the crooked parts./ Rhinoplasty Surgery in Iran


Elements of a normal rhinoplasty

The surgeon’s artistic vision that matches your opinion about nasal healing is the most important factor in natural rhinoplasty. Now let’s look at some of the elements of natural rhinoplasty. Having a shared literature with the surgeon can help you advance your goals dramatically.

Face Dimensions: These measurements include the height and width of your face. These numbers help in discussing rhinoplasty because the size of your nose is more important than the rest of your face. Normally, when looking at the height of the face, the nose should be in the middle of the face. When we look at the width of the face, the nose should generally cover the middle third. Remember that these are general guidelines, and the most natural rhinoplasty makes sense based on gender, ethnicity, facial features, and other factors.

Nose-face correlation: When we talk about correlation within the face, we are talking about factors such as the size of one limb relative to the size of other organs, angles such as the angle of the bridge of the nose, the angle of the nose to the lips and the rotation of the tip of the nose. These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use to improve your rhinoplasty.

Different parts of the nose: Here are some different terms that you will be familiar with when talking to a surgeon about rhinoplasty:

  • It is a piece of tissue at the bottom of the nose that separates the two nostrils and supports the tip of the nose. An incision is made in the columella in open rhinoplasty, which gives the doctor good access to create the best internal structure of the nose.
  • The radix is ​​where the structure of the nasal bone connects to the forehead. It is almost in line with the eyeliner.
  • Behind the nose. It is also called the bridge of the nose and includes both cartilage and bone.
  • Tip of the nose. The tip of the nose is usually the part of the face that is farthest from it.
  • Arch of the nose. The upper third of a person’s nose is generally considered the nasal arch.

Can we tell exactly at what angle the tip of the nose is in the most natural position? Is it possible to determine the exact ratio between the height and width of the nose in order to have a perfect nose? Definitely not. While these elements help the physician decide on rhinoplasty, there is no definitive answer as to what creates the perfect rhinoplasty or the most natural rhinoplasty. Therefore, the most decisive indicator in this regard is the existence of sufficient experience in the surgeon.

The surgeon should consider the clinical elements of the nose during rhinoplasty and ensure that they are in balance with each other and with the rest of the person’s face. There are extremely important medical elements for rhinoplasty, but the aesthetics of each surgeon also play an important role. It is in your best interest to carefully view the pre- or post-surgeon image gallery and make sure that the surgeon is working the way you are looking for. Defining an experienced natural nose surgeon will keep you informed of the final results of rhinoplasty. Our experts at Moj Aramesh Amitis Company will help you do just that.

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