The Types of fleshy nose surgeries

Fleshy nose surgery is very difficult and tough, so surgeons must be extremely skilled and know the techniques associated with this type of nose surgery. The purpose of this article is to fully define fleshy noses, explain their problems and other important aspects.

We must first know the definition of a fleshy nose. Noses with thick skin and large sebaceous glands and open holes in the skin are called fleshy noses. In this type of nose, cartilage is usually weak and the main part of the nose is composed of skin and fat under it and subcutaneous glands. In this type of nose, the tip of the nose is usually droopy and the ala (nasal fins) are open and thick. Due to male sex hormones and oily skin, this type of nose is more common in men

In the past, large pieces of cartilage were removed to correct this type of nose and rhinoplasty. As a result of this operation, indentations and scars were created in the skin due to the empty space under it. Patients usually think that skin removal is a useful procedure, but it seems that skin removal causes more severe wounds, so it is not highly recommended. It seems that strengthening the cartilage and using the cartilage of the middle septum or septum to strengthen the tip of the nose and the cartilage tissue in general is most effective. The surgeon create part of the cartilage of the septum same as nail shape and places it under the tip of the nose, thereby trying to lift and strengthen the tip of the nose.

As mentioned, in this type of nose, cartilage is often weak and does not have a good structure. Therefore, reducing and weakening the cartilage causes the nose to sag and flatten. In fleshy noses, the tip of the nose is semicircular or trapezoidal when the head is up and back.

One of the useful things that can be done with rhinoplasty is to carefully remove alas and alar rim to make them smaller. The best method for rhinoplasty in people with thick skin is open surgery. In closed surgery, because the tip of the nose is not very well seen and access to the tip of the nose is limited, the result of fleshy nose cosmetic surgery is not very suitable. Patients with thick skin should have reasonable expectations of their surgery and should be aware that their noses may not be the way they want them to be.

Do the fleshy noses return to their previous state after the operation?

The question that is often asked is whether after the fleshy nose surgery the nose returns to its preoperative state? The answer to this question is that if a good result is obtained, after six months, no fundamental changes will occur on the nose and will remain the same.

Many people think that this type of nose surgery is reversible and will never heal. But this is not a scientific argument.

Some believe that rhinoplasty may be reversible, but with all postoperative care instructions, this is less likely to happen. These noses cannot be too small. The incision may be visible. Due to the prolonged swelling, the patient will probably have to use the dressing for a longer period of time. In addition, the fleshy nose will be more swollen, so the patient must carefully follow the postoperative care. Corticosteroid injections may be given to reduce swelling.

The Types of fleshy nose surgeries

Corticosteroid injection

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular surgeries among women. In some cases, surgeons recommend injecting corticosteroids to reduce swelling in people with fleshy noses. This injection should be given by a doctor in specific doses and in special cases. The injection is usually given 1-2 weeks after surgery.

This injection is suitable for people who:

  • They have thick skin
  • Have had corrective surgery or have had more than one surgery
  • Their recovery process has been slow

Some doctors recommend injections 2 months after fleshy nose surgery. During this time the swelling decreases, otherwise an injection should be given. The injection is usually given once, but can be increased up to 3 times as needed by your doctor./ Rhinoplasty in Iran


Fleshy nose problems

In these noses, due to the weakness of the skeleton, surgeons first reduce the size of the nose, then remove the cartilage that is improperly positioned, and finally provide support for the weak parts to reduce its width. Excessive cartilage removal increases the possibility of misalignment. These noses also have weak cartilage, so cartilage removal and reduction should be done with caution.


Thinning the skin of fleshy noses

The thickness of the skin should be reduced first. The main point is that the skin is composed of different layers, and reducing the thickness may cause damage to the skin.


Fleshy nose surgery

An excellent example of a fleshy nose is the African nose. Their nasal skin is thick and their cartilage is thin and weak. Older methods of fleshy / obese nose surgery are not useful, because after a while the shaved cartilage returns to its previous shape. Nowadays, the probability of a recurrence or sagging of the nose may be close to zero because the cartilage is strengthened at the same time as the structure of the nose. In newer techniques, the surgeon moves cartilage from the middle of the septum to the tip of the nose to strengthen the cartilage at the tip of the nose.

In fleshy nose surgery, maintaining facial fit is crucial. If the nose becomes small or its curvature increases significantly, it can cause difficulty breathing.

As mentioned earlier, the fleshy or African nasal skin is thick and has sebaceous glands and weak cartilage. This weak structure makes fleshy nose surgeries more sensitive. For this reason, these patients are asked to maintain their dressing for longer than bone-shaped noses after surgery. Another important challenge of fleshy nose surgery is the improvement of the tip of the nose, which a plastic surgeon must have a lot of experience in this field.

Methods of fleshy nose surgery

Special techniques must be used for effective nasal surgery:

Cartilage transplantation: Because the skin of the nose is thick, cartilage transplantation is used to better show the features of the nose and columella.

Fat reduction in soft tissue: Soft tissue-building fats, especially at the tip of the nose, are skillfully thinned to better reflect the characteristics of the nose

Proportional reduction in the size of the nose: If the distance between the skin skeleton and the nose is large during surgery, it is more likely to cause sores or excess fat, which will cause an undesirable deformation in the nose.

Nasal structure support: Due to the heavier weight and thicker skin, it needs a stronger structure to support the tissue. Therefore, the correct ratio between the size of the nose and its structure must be considered. After the nasal skin returns to normal, the reinforced structure helps the skin to position itself better.

In general, rhinoplasty with thick, fleshy skin requires a great deal of expertise and experience, because a surgeon’s proper understanding of the proper size of the nose is critical to achieving the right result.

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