Contraindications to Angioplasty

Angioplasty is used to treat the accumulation of fat in the arteries. Accumulation of fat in the arteries causes clogging of blood vessels and eventually leads to several problems. Angioplasty is not suitable for everyone. Your doctor will determine if angioplasty is an excellent option to treat this condition, depending on your level of heart disease and overall health.

In the continuation of this article, we will examine the cases of prohibition of angioplasty from Moj Aramesh Amitis Health Tourism Company.

Contraindications to Angioplasty

Why are angioplasty treatments carried out?

Angioplasty is a procedure that opens blocked cardiac arteries. Angioplasty is a procedure that involves the insertion of a tiny catheter to clear congested blood arteries and enhance blood flow. Stenting is frequently used in conjunction with angioplasty. A stent is a tiny tube that helps open the heart’s arteries and minimizes the risk of them clogging again.

The symptoms of blocked arteries, such as chest discomfort, shortness of breath, and other associated symptoms, will be relieved through angioplasty. Angioplasty is also commonly done to unblock a clogged artery immediately during a heart attack, reducing the amount of cardiac damage.

The Most Common Reasons for Angioplasty

In Iran, the most general purpose of angioplasty is to clear blocked arteries caused by artery hardening. The arteries’ purpose is to transport blood and oxygen to all body tissues. However, when a blood vessel narrows or becomes blocked, not enough oxygen and blood can reach the tissues. Several indications indicate which artery in your body is blocked.

When your blood pressure rises, your leg arteries may become clogged, or your kidney arteries may become obstructed, causing pain and discomfort in your legs when walking or even resting and sleeping. Some blockages are best treated with alternative treatments. However, angioplasty can unblock a blocked artery in many circumstances.

Risks and complications of angioplasty

In general, angioplasty is a safe and straightforward surgery; according to statistics, 5 out of every 100 persons may experience difficulties following angioplasty. However, this procedure is prohibited for some persons. People who have already undergone this treatment may have a reblocking of the arteries or experience the symptoms indicated below.

The risk of problems following angioplasty will be reduced if conducted in a specialist facility. People who have had angioplasty before and have such symptoms cannot undergo repeat angioplasty, even though these problems are uncommon.

  • Prolonged bleeding in the groin or wrist where the catheter is inserted.
  • Abnormal and irregular heart rhythm
  • Obstruction of an artery that requires emergency vascular bypass surgery.
  • Feeling of pain in the chest
  • Damage to blood vessels, arteries, and kidneys
  • Reaction to colors
  • Blood clotting
  • Stroke or heart attack
  • Rupture of the main arteries
  • Death

Contraindications to angioplasty

When deciding which surgical technique is appropriate for you, your doctor should examine the severity of the condition, symptoms such as chest discomfort and shortness of breath, general heart function, and the patient’s health. Other medical diseases of the patient are also investigated, such as if the person has diabetes or has already had a heart attack or stroke. Based on these evaluations, the physician determines if the patient is a good candidate for angioplasty.

Angioplasty surgery is not allowed for these persons otherwise. Angioplasty surgery is a good option when a patient has a significant arterial blockage and no other medical issues that prevent angioplasty. If drugs aren’t working and lifestyle adjustments aren’t helping, angioplasty may be an option.

On the other hand, angioplasty is not allowed if the patient improves with medicine and lifestyle adjustments. Your doctor will analyze your health and determine whether or not you need an angioplasty, depending on your circumstances. The intensity of the symptoms, the volume of blood flow in the arteries, the existence of high-risk diseases, the drugs you’re taking, and the location of the blockage are all considerations to consider.

Your doctor will examine the benefits and drawbacks of angioplasty for you by looking at any considerations above. This way, you’ll know whether an angioplasty is something you cannot do. A femoral artery is required for angioplasty so that the catheter may penetrate the vascular system and unblock the blocked arteries.

On the other hand, angioplasty is not permitted if the vessel is not of the appropriate size and quality. Small vessel diameter, significant artery obstruction, and bleeding make it challenging to reach the arteries, and, as a result, angioplasty is not possible. Angioplasty is also not indicated for those with 70% of their arteries obstructed since this level of blockage is not hemodynamically significant and does not necessitate the procedure.

  • People who cannot tolerate long-term antiplatelet therapy or whose lifespan is significantly reduced by angioplasty are not good candidates for angioplasty.
  • Patients with primary coronary artery spasms are also not suitable for this procedure.
  • Patients older than 65 years are at risk for bleeding (especially intracranial hemorrhage).

These people are 95% more likely to have intracranial hemorrhage than younger patients. That is why angioplasty is forbidden and dangerous for these people.

  • Stroke and heart attack, which are more common in older patients, are significant angioplasty barriers.
  • Pregnant women are also not a good candidate for angioplasty. Because by doing this method, they are exposed to X-rays, which can cause damage to the fetus. Therefore, angioplasty is also dangerous and forbidden for this group of people.

Who does not eligible for angioplasty?

 Other reasons and diseases that lead to the prohibition of angioplasty are:

  • Excess weight (weight more than 160 kg)
  • Severe physical disability that prevents the patient from lying down.
  • High and uncontrolled blood pressure
  • Kidney failure
  • Severe anemia
  • Electrolyte imbalance
  • Active or untreated infection
  • Uncontrolled heart rhythm disorders
  • Untreated heart failure
  • Transient heart attack
  • Blood clotting problems
  • Fever
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Coagulopathy

People with heart disease, who have several blocked arteries or chronic renal illness, are at a higher risk of problems after angioplasty. As a result, angioplasty is not permitted in such cases. Arteries can also become blocked in these persons due to fatty plaque buildup, which can be caused by re-narrowing of the arteries, fat plaque displacement, or stent thrombosis (blood clots in the stent).

Contraindications to Angioplasty

Concluding Remarks

Angioplasty is a common, minimally invasive medical technique for removing blood artery blockages. The blood vessels that transport blood and oxygen throughout the body are arteries. However, over time, a material known as fat plaque creeps into the arteries, clogging them and eventually lowering or halting blood flow to the body. Atherosclerosis can cause a heart attack or stroke in adults. Angioplasty is frequently used to address urgent cardiac issues rather than conditions that can be treated with medicines.

Many people are also prohibited from using this procedure, including pregnant women, persons with renal failure and severe anemia, overweight, over 65, people who have infections or gastrointestinal bleeding, and so on. Although angioplasty is a safe and secure operation, there is a chance of the artery re-occluding in some rare circumstances and conditions.

In some cases, the patient may experience significant complications after angioplasty.

Angioplasty is also forbidden for this group of patients. Dear friends, Amitis Health Tourism Company, can provide you with a free consultation for angioplasty surgery in Iran. You may leave the angioplasty surgery in Iran to this collection from start to finish.

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