Symptoms & Treatment of Hair Transplant Infection

Hair transplantation is a hair restoration technique in which a specialist surgeon removes a hair follicle from a part of the scalp that has more hair and places the follicles in the bald areas of the scalp. Hair transplants are more effective in treating genetic hair loss called male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness.

Hair transplantation is considered a relatively safe procedure, but any cosmetic procedure comes with risks. Infections are one of the possible complications of hair transplantation. However, the incidence of infection after hair transplantation is relatively rare. Let’s see how to diagnose infection after hair transplantation.

In this article, we will examine the infection after hair transplantation as well as other possible complications after hair transplantation from Moj Aramesh Amitis Health Tourism Company.

Symptoms & Treatment of Hair Transplant Infection

Symptoms of Hair Transplant Infection

Infection may occur when germs enter the hair follicle site or the hair follicle site. Your scalp has a large network of blood vessels that allow your immune system to quickly target pathogens.

According to the results of a small study in 2014 with male participants, scalp infections are rare and usually not serious when the infection develops on the scalp.

According to the results of a small study in 2014 and attended by male participants, it was found that scalp infection is rare and is usually not serious when infection develops in the scalp.

Symptoms of hair transplant infection can include:

  • Pus-filled abscess
  • Pus secretion
  • Redness or discoloration
  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Bleeding
  • Heat

A little bleeding and swelling after hair transplantation is normal. But symptoms that get worse or last more than a week instead of getting better are signs of infection in your body.

Infections can also lead to systemic symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Lethar
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Why does hair transplant infection happen?

Infection can occur when germs or pathogens enter your body during surgery or during recovery. Having an underlying disease that weakens your immune system can increase your chances of getting an infection. The following are the factors that can cause an infection after a hair transplant.

  • Improper hygiene or unsanitary conditions

Bacteria can enter your open wounds during hair transplantation or when your wounds are being healed. If the tools used during the operation are not properly disinfected, or if you touch your wounds in recovery, you may develop an infection at the site of the harvest or hair transplant.

  • Excessive shell formation

Scratching and scaling of wounds is normal. But research studies have shown that excessive shell formation can lead to itching. Scratching the scalp can remove the shells and transfer bacteria from the fingers to the wound.

  • Underlying diseases

The conditions described in this article from Moj Aramesh Amitis Health Tourism Company, which weakens your immune system, can increase your chances of infection at the site of the wound. Some of the conditions that weaken your immune system include:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Smoking
  • Severe obesity
  • Malnutrition
  • HIV
  • Cancer

Risks of Hair Transplant Infection

In case of infection, you are at risk of developing scarring, which can negatively affect your results from hair transplantation and may lead to excess shell growth around the wounds.

If left untreated, the infection can spread to deeper tissues. Research has shown that in very rare cases, even an infection can spread to the bone or lead to sepsis.

Septicemia is an infection of the bloodstream. This can lead to a condition called sepsis, which is a life-threatening condition and occurs when your immune system releases inflammatory molecules in your body that can lead to organ failure.

Variable risks of infection by hair transplantation method

Infection may develop at the donor site from which the hair follicles have been removed or at the reception site where the follicles have been transplanted.

Two common methods of hair transplantation are follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). During the FUE procedure, a specialist surgeon removes hair follicles for transplantation. During the FUE procedure, a specialist doctor cuts a strip of the applicant’s scalp from behind his or her back and then removes the hair follicles.

Hair transplantation (FUT) leads to a narrow scar and generally has a longer recovery time. Theoretically, larger wounds from this procedure increase the risk of infection, but both methods rarely cause infection.

Hair Transplant Treatment

In case of infection, it is important to contact your surgeon to help you develop the right treatment plan. Oral or topical antibiotics are commonly used to target bacteria causing infection. The surgeon may also recommend antibacterial shampoos or drain pus abscesses to help with the healing process.

How to prevent hair transplant infection?

  • Perform your hair transplantation at the authorized clinic to observe the hygiene tips well.
  • Avoid touching your wounds.
  • Go to your next scheduled appointments with your doctor.
  • Follow the instructions before and after hair transplant care.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco use when recovering.
  • Avoid heavy exercise until the surgeon declares it is ok.

Other Side Effects of Hair ransplantatipm

The study found that in the group of 73 people who underwent hair transplants, the most common side effects reported were swelling (42%), sterile folliculitis (23%), and scarring at the donor site (15%).

  • Fulliculit

Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles and usually appears as red or discolored bumps resembling acne. Often, acne develops weeks or months after surgery.

The same study suggests the cause of these acne is unclear, but it is thought that many factors may be involved, such as grown hair and bacterial infection of the hair follicle.

When bacteria are known to be the main cause of infection, it is called bacterial folliculitis. But in most cases, no specific bacteria have been identified. In this case, it is called sterile folliculitis.

Hair loss affected by shock

Shock-induced hair loss is an uncommon side effect that leads to hair loss at the site of the hair follicle donation. Hair loss is thought to be caused by shock, stress, and microtrauma from surgery. Research has shown that almost all applicants recover completely from shock hair loss 3 to 4 months after surgery.

Side Effects and General Wound Healing

You will most likely notice general signs of wound healing after hair transplantation, such as:

  • Redness or discoloration
  • Itching
  • Scarring
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Numbness

Scalp numbness may rarely be associated with tingling. Because your scalp nerves heal after surgery.

  • Abnormal results and scarring

Hair transplant techniques as well as surgeons’ science have improved and the natural results of hair transplantation have improved. However, in some cases, there may be many scars that lead to the regrowth of pieced hair.

When to meet a doctor after hair transplant?

Hair transplants rarely cause serious side effects. But it is better to contact your doctor if you have symptoms of infection. The sooner you get proper treatment, the better your chances of preventing a severe infection or other complication.

Symptoms & Treatment of Hair Transplant Infection

Hair Transplant in Iran

You may be looking for a safe country for hair transplants that, while high quality work, at a reasonable cost, Iran will be the best choice for you. Iranian surgeons are very skilled in performing hair transplants.

In addition to having high skills, these surgeons also have well-equipped offices, clinics and hospitals. Given the explanations given, you may think that hair transplantation in Iran will require a very high cost, but we have to say that the cost you have to pay is much less than the cost you have to pay in a country like the United States.

There are many hospitals in Iran that can perform your hair transplant with incredible speed and quality. Therefore, hair transplantation in Iran will surely have the results you want.

Concluding Remarks

Although infections are a possible complication of hair transplantation, they are relatively rare. Most infections are not serious, but you still need to contact your doctor for proper treatment after an infection occurs.

They are more likely to prescribe antibiotics and may drain the pus. You can minimize the risk of infection by following your doctor’s instructions for before and after a hair transplant.

Author: Sh. Khazaei

Translator: N. Rahimifar

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