Abdominoplasty Procedure

An Abstract

Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgery to improve the appearance of the applicant’s abdomen. During abdominoplasty surgery, excess skin and fat in different areas of the applicant’s abdomen are removed.

During abdominoplasty surgery, the connective tissue of the abdomen (fascia) is also usually sutured. The remaining skin is then relocated to create a fresher effect. Abdominoplasty surgery may be right for you if you have excess fat or skin around the umbilicus or a weak lower abdominal wall.

Abdominoplasty surgery can also make your body look better. In this article, we will review the stages of abdominoplasty surgery from Moj Aramesh Amitis Health Tourism Company.

Abdominoplasty Procedure

Causes of excess body fat

Several reasons can cause excess fat to build up in different parts of the body (including the abdomen), weaken the elasticity of the skin, or even weaken the connective tissue of the abdomen. In the following, we will point out some of the factors that cause these complications. Some of the factors that can cause these complications are:

  • Noticeable changes in weight
  • Pregnancy
  • Performing various abdominal surgeries (e.g. cesarean section)
  • Aging
  • Your body’s natural shape

Abdominoplasty surgery can remove loose skin and excess fat in the abdomen, as well as re-tighten weakened abdominal fascia. However, it should be noted that abdominoplasty surgery does not remove the stretched skin and the excess created in other areas of the body.

If you have had a cesarean section before, the plastic surgeon may be able to place the scar and suture created by the abdominoplasty at the site of the scar and suture created by the cesarean section. This will no longer create new scars or sutures on your abdomen.

The relationship between liposuction surgery and abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty can be performed in combination with other cosmetic surgeries (such as breast surgery). If the fat in your abdomen has been removed by another surgery, such as liposuction, you may also need abdominoplasty.

In general, if you decide to shrink your skin, you should have abdominoplasty in addition to liposuction. Because liposuction surgery only removes subcutaneous tissue and fat, it does not remove excess skin created by fat removal.

Abdominoplasty is not suitable for everyone. In some cases, a specialist surgeon may diagnose abdominoplasty as dangerous for you.

In the continuation of this article from Moj Aramesh Amitis Health Tourism Company, we will point out some cases that may make you not a suitable candidate for abdominoplasty surgery.

Abdominoplasty may not be suitable for you if:

  • Keep in mind that by performing abdominoplasty, you will lose a considerable amount of weight.
  • Consider getting pregnant shortly.
  • Have chronic diseases such as heart disease or diabetes.
  • Have a body mass index greater than 30.
  • You use cigarettes and tobacco.
  • You have already had abdominal surgery that causes significant scar tissue in your abdomen.

Possible Risks of Abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty, like any other surgery, may have different risks and complications for the applicant. In continuation of this article from Moj Aramesh Amitis Health Tourism Company refers to some of the risks and possible complications of abdominoplasty.

Some of the possible risks and complications of abdominoplasty surgery are:

  • Accumulation of fluid under the skin (seroma): Tubes for abdominoplasty surgery that remain in place after surgery can help reduce the risk of excess fluid. Your doctor may also use extra needles and syringes to remove excess fluid from under the skin after surgery.
  • Failure to completely heal the wound: In some cases, the area around and along the incision line created for abdominoplasty surgery does not heal completely or the sutures begin to separate. This can cause an infection. To prevent infection, you may be given antibiotics during and after abdominoplasty surgery.
  • Unexpected scarring: Scarring is common due to incisions caused by abdominoplasty. The scar is permanent but easily hidden along the bikini line. The size of the wound caused by abdominoplasty varies in different people.
  • Tissue damage or tissue loss: As the skin of the abdomen shrinks, the fatty tissue deep in your skin in the abdomen may be damaged or die. Smoking increases the risk of this complication. Depending on the size of the area being treated, the tissue may heal on its own or require surgery.
  • Loss of skin sensory receptors: During abdominoplasty, changing the position of abdominal tissues can affect the nerves of the abdomen and rarely in the upper thigh. You will most likely feel numb. This is usually reduced in the months following surgery.

As with any major surgery, stretching the skin of the abdomen carries the risk of bleeding, infection, and an adverse reaction to anesthesia.

How to prepare for abdominoplasty?

First, you will talk to a specialist surgeon about abdominal surgery. At the first visit, the plastic surgeon will most likely do the following:

  • Medical history review: Be prepared to answer questions about your current and past medical condition. Talk about any medications you are taking or have recently taken, as well as any surgeries you have had.

Tell your doctor if you are allergic to any medications. If your desire to stretch your abdomen is related to weight loss, your doctor will probably ask you detailed questions about gaining and losing weight.

  • Physical examination: Your doctor will examine your abdomen to determine treatment options. Your doctor may also take a picture of your abdomen for your medical record.
  • Expressing the applicant’s expectations: Explain why you want to have abdominal surgery and what you hope to do after the abdominoplasty. Make sure you understand the potential benefits and risks, including scarring. Keep in mind that previous abdominal surgery such as liposuction may limit your results.

Abdominoplasty Pre-Operative Instructions:

Beware of the following before the abdominoplasty:

  • No smoking: Smoking reduces blood flow in the skin and can reduce the healing process. In addition, smoking increases the risk of tissue damage. If you smoke, your doctor recommends quitting smoking before abdominoplasty and while recovering.
  • Avoid certain medications: You will probably need to avoid aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements that can increase bleeding.
  • • Keep your weight steady: Ideally, you should keep your weight steady for at least 12 months before undergoing abdominal surgery. If you are overweight, your doctor recommends that you lose weight before abdominoplasty. Significant postoperative weight loss can reduce the positive results of your abdominoplasty surgery.
  • Take medication to prevent complications: Shortly before pulling the skin of the abdomen, you should use an anticoagulant to prevent blood clots.
  • Get help when you recover: After leaving the hospital, bring someone to help you get home and take care of you for the first few days.

What to expect from abdominoplasty?

Abdominal surgery is performed at a hospital or surgical center. During abdominal surgery, you will undergo general anesthesia and you will not feel any pain. In some cases, you may also be given analgesics.

Abdominoplasty Procedure

In the continuation of this article, we will examine the stages of abdominoplasty surgery from Moj Aramesh Amitis Health Tourism Company.

Before The Surgery

Depending on the amount of change you want to see, there are different ways to perform abdominal surgery. During conventional abdominal surgery, the plastic surgeon makes incisions to remove most of the skin and abdominal fat in an oval shape.

Then the connective tissue (fascia), which is located on the abdominal muscles, is tightened with permanent stitches. Then the specialist surgeon changes the location of the skin around your abdomen. Excess fat and skin in your abdomen are removed and stitched through a small incision.

The incision is sutured from the navel to the top of the genital hair, leaving a scar that sits along the natural crease in the bikini line. You may be given antibiotics during the operation to prevent infection. This procedure usually takes about two to three hours.

After The Surgery

After pulling the skin of the abdomen, the incision made in your abdomen is likely to be covered with bandages. Small tubes may be placed along the cutting site to drain excess blood or fluid. Members of the health care team at Abdominoplasty will help you walk on the first day after pulling the skin of the abdomen to prevent blood clots from forming.

You will probably experience moderate pain that can be controlled with painkillers. Swelling in the abdominoplasty area is normal. The pain may remain in place for several days after the abdominoplasty operation.

Your doctor or another member of your healthcare team will explain how to drain and care for drainage tubes. It may be necessary to continue taking antibiotics as long as the drain tubes are in place. A specialist surgeon may also prescribe a blood thinner shortly after pulling on the skin of the abdomen.

About six weeks after pulling on the skin of the abdomen, you wear a special dressing (belly adhesive). This helps prevent fluid from building up at the surgical site and supports the abdomen during recovery. The doctor explains how to care for the scar. In the first six weeks after pulling the skin of the abdomen, you should be careful when moving.

You should also avoid being in situations that put pressure on your incision line, such as bending quickly at the waist, to prevent the wound from opening. You should schedule regular visits by a specialist. Ask your doctor how often you need to make an appointment.

Abdominoplasty Procedure

Abdominoplasty Results

According to the points mentioned in this article from Moj Aramesh Amitis Health Tourism Company, by removing excess skin and fat and strengthening the abdominal wall, stretching the abdominal skin can give you a proper appearance. If you keep your weight constant, the results of abdominoplasty surgery will be long-lasting.

Abdominoplasty in Iran

You may be looking for a safe country for abdominoplasty surgery that is reasonably priced while having high-quality work, Iran will be the best choice for you. Iranian surgeons are very skilled in performing abdominoplasty surgery. In addition to having high skills, these surgeons also have well-equipped clinics and clinics. In addition, these clinics and hospitals are also at your disposal.

Based on the explanations given, you may think that performing abdominoplasty surgery in Iran will cost a lot of money, but we must say that the cost that you have to pay is much less than the cost that you have to pay in a country like the United States.

Many clinics in Iran can perform abdominoplasty with incredible speed and quality. Therefore, abdominoplasty in Iran will surely have your desired results.

Author: Sh. Khazei

Translator: N. Rahimifar

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