How to sleep properly after rhinoplasty

These days, rhinoplasty or rhinoplasty has become a popular surgery in the world, especially in Iran.
Rhinoplasty consists of the two words “rhino” meaning nose and “plastic” meaning any cosmetic or reconstructive surgery.
In addition to the aesthetic aspect, one of the problems for which patients undergo rhinoplasty is respiratory apnea or sleep apnea, which the patient struggles with before rhinoplasty surgery, and the doctor corrects this problem by correcting the nasal septum. You will experience good sleep quality in the future.
A patient with a deviated septum or respiratory disorders may experience problems during the day or at bedtime, such as noisy breathing or dry snoring in the mouth, and adversely affect his breathing. Fix your nose.
After rhinoplasty surgery, the body needs a lot of time to repair itself, so rest as much as possible and avoid strenuous activity.
Postoperative swelling, like a parabolic chart, will increase in the first two or three days and decrease after the fourth day.

What is the best angle to sleep after rhinoplasty?

The best angle for sleeping is 45 degrees to the head, which you can create with two pillows or with medical sloping pillows. Two high pillows can be placed on both sides of the patient while sleeping to prevent them from rolling during sleep.

How should you sleep after rhinoplasty surgery?

If the patient is normally accustomed to sleeping on his back, he will be very lucky because you have to sleep in an open arch for a long time.
In all cases of sleep and rest, the head should be above your body to prevent swelling and accumulation of blood in the nasal tissues.

How much sleep do you need after rhinoplasty surgery?

After surgery, you need to use two pillows for at least two weeks, but some patients need more time to sleep more so that their nasal tissues are not damaged.

Can you sleep on your side after two weeks of rhinoplasty surgery?

If sleeping on your back is not difficult for the patient, please find the process and be sure to put the patient’s head higher in all cases to prevent the accumulation of blood and fluid in the nasal tissue.

Can you breathe through your nose after surgery?

You can breathe through your nose after a week, and after about one to two months, your breathing will return to normal over time.

When can a patient sleep normally after rhinoplasty surgery?

The first week is the most critical period for recovering from rhinoplasty surgery.
The patient is allowed to try different sleeping positions after 7-10 days.
But you must be careful not to put any pressure on your nose under any circumstances.

How to sleep properly after rhinoplasty

What happens if a patient sleep on their side after a rhinoplasty?

During the recovery period, your nose is very sensitive, soft and flexible, so it is very important that you do not sleep on your side or abdomen during this period so that no pressure is put on your nose under any circumstances. These inappropriate situations not only cause you discomfort and pain, but also affect the results of your action.

How long does it take for a surgical nose to heal after rhinoplasty?

In most patients, it takes six weeks for the nasal bone to heal, during which time you should avoid all activities, even seemingly non-heavy ones such as bending, stretching, and lifting.

Can I brush my teeth after rhinoplasty surgery?

Under no circumstances should the patient brush his teeth for two weeks after the operation.
After two weeks, avoid brushing your maxilla separately because the maxilla is directly connected to the nose and the patient’s nose may be displaced. It is better to use soft toothbrushes for a while after rhinoplasty surgery
If the patient has a runny nose, you can wipe your nose with a soft cloth.

Can I drink coffee in the morning after rhinoplasty?

Avoid caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee for up to six weeks after surgery. Because these drinks dilute the blood, there is a possibility of swelling and accumulation of blood under the skin (hematoma). Also, do not use carbonated beverages in other meals. It is best to use moderate-calorie drinks at breakfast that are not too hot or too cold. Consumption of whole grain breads is also recommended because the patient will suffer from anesthesia due to the use of anesthetics and the fiber in the bread will improve the function of the intestines.

What should nutrition be like after rhinoplasty surgery?

Avoid eating foods that are too cold or too hot. Also avoid eating hard foods and foods that require a lot of chewing. Because the stitches may be pressed. There must be a high quality protein intake in the diet so that the tissues can repair themselves. Drinking water also has a great effect on accelerating the healing process and will compensate for the dehydration of the body after surgery. Drinking juices such as pineapple and peach is also very useful, but avoid drinking juices with acidic properties because your stomach may be sensitive after surgery and acidic substances will irritate the stomach./ Satisfaction after rhinoplasty

Is the recovery period for rhinoplasty difficult?

Five to seven days after the operation, when the mold and splint are on the patient’s nose, his activities are severely limited.
After opening the splint, the recovery will enter a new phase, but it should be noted that within a period of one to one and a half months, the nose should be treated with caution to repair the hard tissue of your bone.

What happens if a patient accidentally spins to the side during sleep after rhinoplasty surgery?

Lying on your side causes bruising and asymmetrical swelling of the nose and unwanted bulges.
The nose needs several months to repair itself after surgery, so the nasal tissue is constantly changing, so the first few weeks after rhinoplasty will have a big impact on the final outcome of the operation.

What to do if you have an accidental nasal rhinoplasty during sleep?

If the patient has a young child who may accidentally hit him in the face while playing or sleeping, Hana should be careful and refrain from playing with him.
It may hit the nose while asleep or awake or during the day. Which will cause a lot of pain if the pain intensifies over time and be sure to visit your doctor.

How long can you have sex after rhinoplasty surgery?

Your nose will need six to eight weeks to recover after surgery. It is better for the patient to refrain from sexual intercourse until this time and the complete healing of the nose so that the result of the surgery is not affected.
After this period, in case of intercourse, it should be done slowly and avoid being in positions where the nose may touch different levels.
In all cases, the patient should take care of his nose so that the nose can recover in the best way and avoid all risky and stressful activities.

Benefits of rhinoplasty in Iran

Since Iran is the capital of rhinoplasty surgery in the world with an annual statistic of 200,000 rhinoplasty surgeries, it is also the best country in terms of cost for this operation.
Due to the large number of different hospitals and surgeons that work with Moje Aramesh Amitis Company, patients can choose the best option according to their condition. Since after two weeks you can do your daily chores, Iran is also a suitable country for tourism and travel purposes, and esteemed travelers can enjoy their trip twice.
Moje Aramesh Amitis Company with the cooperation of five-star and four-star hotels can create a good rest period for tourists and can spend their recovery period in the hotels of Moje Aramesh Amitis’s contract company and enjoy timely services.

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