Recovery Period for Mammoplasty

Mammoplasty in Iran is a cosmetic surgery that reduces the size and weight of large and heavy breasts and helps to create a better breast contour that fits the patient’s body aesthetically. By removing excess breast tissue, fat, and stretching of the skin, cosmetic surgery can not only make breasts smaller, lighter, and firmer but also improve breast symmetry and eliminate sagging.

While many patients choose this surgery to reduce physical symptoms such as pain in the lower back, neck, or shoulders, and discomfort during exercise, other benefits of mammoplasty should not be overlooked:

Additional benefits of reduction mammaplasty

  • Your breasts will be more beautiful and firmer and you will look younger.
  • It is possible to use more comfortable and attractive bras.
  • By having more proportionate breasts, your overall appearance will be more balanced and attractive.
  • Stretched areolas or large nipples are reduced in this surgery and help you make the clothes you wear to fit your body.
  • Swimwear, sports bra, and appropriate clothing will look good on your body and the person will feel better and will help boost self-confidence during activities.

Recovery after mammoplasty surgery affects the appearance of your breasts over time. Knowing how to care for the surgical site, how to control the pain, as well as resuming exercise and other activities will help you get the best possible look after breast reduction surgery.

Surgical Follow-up

Mammoplasty, also known as breast reduction surgery, is performed under general anesthesia and, like any other surgery, has a significant recovery period. After making an incision using one of the specified techniques, your cosmetic surgeon removes excess breast tissue, fat, and skin and moves the nipple/areola to a higher, forward position on the breast.

The remaining tissue and skin of the breast are closed with absorbable sutures. After surgery, you will receive instructions for postoperative care. These instructions include the types of medications used after surgery, oral medications, and supplements to help heal and reduce the risk of infection, and the appropriate time to follow up and see the surgeon.

Recover after mammoplasty Durance

Shortly after surgery, you will be able to leave the hospital the same day and go home to continue the healing process at home. Your chest will be bandaged and you may be sent home with a surgical bra. You can expect to feel severe pain for the first two days after the operation. The cosmetic surgeon will prescribe pain control and relief medication to help you in this early period. Gently placing ice packs on top of the bandages can also help reduce discomfort and pain.

The amount of time it takes to recover after mammoplasty depends on the natural ability of your body as well as the amount of surgery performed. You will be able to get up and walk on the day of surgery; however, you should have a trusted adult with you for the first 24 hours. Within two weeks after the operation, your stitches will be removed and you can return to work depending on your job.

Remember that it is best to avoid lifting heavy objects for a few weeks after the operation and to refrain from strenuous activity for at least six weeks, as you must allow the body to fully recover. Most patients feel that they can easily drive or return to work after 1 week. However, it is best to do these activities after consulting your doctor when you have stopped taking other painkillers and your condition has completely improved.

Your cosmetic surgeon will probably not recommend strenuous exercise for at least 3 to 4 weeks after surgery and will only recommend slow walking. Patience helps you heal your breast incisions properly. Do not forget to follow all the tips that the cosmetic surgeon advises you about the activity after breast reduction surgery.

Recovery Period for Mammoplasty
Schedule for Body Recovery

After mammoplasty surgery, you wake up from anesthesia using a bandage or surgical bra on a gauze bandage. Stitches and possible drain tubes will be inserted for you. The drain is placed in the desired location for a few days after surgery.

The First Week after Mammoplasty Surgery

You will need someone else’s help in the days after surgery. So, ask a family member or friend to accompany you these days. Make sure you are very comfortable with them. This person can help you with basic tasks such as washing and bathing, as you will even feel pain when lifting your arms.

Two Weeks after Mammoplasty Surgery

In addition to the above, your breasts may become sensitive, you may notice swelling and bruising in your breasts that will gradually disappear, and over time, as the surgical site heals, you may experience itching and dry skin.

After removing the gauze and dressing, you will wear a surgical bra for the next few weeks. This helps control swelling and keep the breasts in proper alignment, making the tissue match the contour. To reduce swelling and pain, you should reduce your sodium or salt intake and increase your water intake. This will help reduce swelling and fluid loss.

Attention and Care during Long-Term Recovery

The recovery period after surgery may be different for everyone. For example, some patients may experience allergies at the surgical site, or others may experience anesthesia at the surgical site for up to a year after surgery. Some patients may not experience any of these complications.

Also, how the wound heals can vary from person to person. There will be visible sores that may disappear over time, but in many cases, these sores do not go away.

For women, the breasts may swell in the first menstrual cycle after surgery, but this does not happen in all women.

Life after Breast Reduction

After mammoplasty surgery, the person’s physical and emotional discomfort is reduced and the patient’s appearance improves. This surgery can be one of the most valuable cosmetic surgery methods. Many patients gain more confidence after breast reduction surgery and also feel great about wearing clothes they always wanted to wear but could not. These people can now engage in physical activities that they previously avoided.

While many patients experience immediate relief from back and shoulder pain after breast reduction, it is important to understand that it takes some time to achieve the final results after surgery. Swelling, pain, and tingling are normal complications after breast reduction surgery. Therefore, it is normal for the initial swelling to occur and smaller breasts may appear slightly larger than you expected. Also, breasts often heal at different speeds, so you may notice asymmetry during the first few months of healing.

After about 2-3 months, your final results will be more or less clear and you can buy your bra with confidence. However, you may not notice the slight changes for the first 6 to 12 months.

Are the results of mammoplasty and breast reduction permanent?

After breast reduction surgery, you can expect to enjoy a lighter and more beautiful breast for a lifetime, as long as you have a stable weight and do not intend to become pregnant and have other children. However, nothing can stop the natural aging process. Eventually, your breasts will likely sag again, although they will not be the same shape and size as before mammoplasty.

Also, subsequent pregnancies may change the shape, size, and appearance of your breasts and may eliminate some of the positive changes made in breast reduction surgery. If you are planning to have more children, talk to your cosmetic surgeon. The surgeon can give you information about the pros and cons of surgery or may advise you to wait until you have children.

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