side-effects of mammoplasty

What is breast reduction surgery or mammoplasty?

Breast reduction, also known as mammoplasty, is a way to get rid of excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin in order to shrink the breast to fit the body better . and  eliminate the problems associated with breast enlargement.

Abnormally large breasts can cause physical and emotional problems in patients. Patients with breast hypertrophy or macromastia may experience physical problems due to high breast weight. The resulting pain can challenge some of the most common physical activities for some people. In addition to the physical side-effects of macromastia, some people may experience emotional distress or significant psychological problems due to the large size of their breasts.

Although breast reduction is often done to treat medical problems, people who do not have large breast symptoms but are unhappy with their breast size may still have mammoplasty as a cosmetic procedure. People who undergo breast reduction surgery for cosmetic reasons may point to a number of factors, including social problems and concerns about clothing size.


What are the side-effects  of mammoplasty?

The decision to have breast reconstruction surgery is very personal. You need to decide if the benefits will lead you to your goals or not.

The plastic surgeon or plastic surgery team will explain the risks associated with the surgery in detail. You will be asked to sign consent forms to ensure that you are fully aware of the surgery and its risks or potential complications .

Possible risks of mammoplasty that may worry you include the following:

Adverse scars

Scarring is a natural part of the healing process after an injury or surgery. Its appearance and treatment depend on various factors. The depth and size of the wound or incision and the location of the injury, age, genetics, gender and ethnicity also play an important role .

  • Infection

side-effects of mammoplasty

Infection occurs when a microorganism enters the body and causes disease. The organisms that cause infections are very diverse and can include things like viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.

A change in the nipple or a sensation that may be temporary or permanent

  • Risks related to anesthesia

Bleeding (hematoma)

Hematoma is a common problem that results from damage to one of the body’s major blood vessels. Most people have superficial hematomas in their lifetime. Hematomas can look like bruises, but bruises are caused by damage to small blood vessels instead of large ones.

  • blood clotting

Blood clotting is an essential process that can prevent excessive blood loss in certain cases, such as skin damage, organ loss, or amputation. When a clot forms in one of the arteries, it does not always go away on its own. This can be a serious situation.

  • Poor wound healing

Problems with the contour and shape of the breast

Skin discoloration, permanent pigment changes, swelling and bruising

Damage to deeper structures – such as nerves, blood vessels, muscles and lungs – may occur, which can be temporary or permanent.

  • Breast asymmetry
  • Accumulation of fluids

Excessive breast stiffness

  • Possible inability to breastfeed
  • Possible loss of skin / breast tissue at the incision site

Possible, partial or total loss of the nipple and airola

Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a serious complication that occurs when a blood clot forms in the body’s arteries. A blood clot is a mass of blood that has become solid. Deep vein blood clots normally form in the thighs or legs, but can also form in other parts of the body. Other names associated with the disease may include thromboembolism, post-thrombotic syndrome, and post-phlebitis syndrome.

  • Pain that may be persistent.
  • Sensitivity to dressings, sutures and adhesives, blood products, topical medications or injectables

Deep fat tissue may be lost (fat necrosis)

Fat necrosis is a complication that occurs when an area of ​​adipose tissue is damaged. The term “necrosis” means dead cells. Possible causes of fat necrosis include injuries, surgery, or radiation to a specific area of ​​the body. Areas of fat necrosis can feel like small, hard tumors but are not cancerous tissue.

  • Possibility of needing corrective surgery

You should know that:

Mammoplasty surgery can interfere with some diagnostic procedures

Perforation of the breast and nipple can cause infection

  • A person’s ability to breastfeed after mammoplasty may be limited. Talk to your doctor if you plan to breastfeed your baby

Mammoplasty can be done at any age, but is best done when the breasts are fully developed

Changes in breast size during pregnancy can alter the results of previous mammoplasty surgery, as it may cause significant weight fluctuations.

Medicine and surgery are not an exact science. Although the results of the surgery are expected to be good, there is no guarantee. In some cases, it is not possible to achieve the desired results with one mammoplasty surgery and another surgery may be needed.

Side effects  of breast reduction surgery and side effects

Scarring is a natural side effect of mammoplasty surgery. These wounds disappear over time but never completely disappear. Early lifting of heavy objects after surgery may make the wounds worse. In rare cases, some people have certain side effects, such as improper breast healing that may require a skin graft.

Where is mammoplasty performed?

Mammoplasty surgery may be performed at an outpatient surgery center or hospital. The plastic surgeon and the surgical staff pay full attention to your comfort and safety.

After surgery

Contact your doctor immediately if you experience shortness of breath, chest pain, or an unusual heartbeat. If any of the side effects of mammoplasty occur, you may need to be hospitalized and receive additional treatment

Contact your doctor immediately after mammoplasty if the following occur:

Symptoms of infection, including redness, tenderness, or unusual swelling at the site of surgery or fever.

  • If there is unusual discharge (including pus) from the surgical incision site.
  • If any of the stitches are opened before the time to remove them

be careful

Following your doctor’s instructions is important for successful surgery. It is important that the surgical incision site is not subjected to excessive pressure, wear or movement during healing. Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how to care for and minimize the risks of mammoplasty surgery.

Consult a doctor about mammoplasty surgery

Consult your surgeon before mammoplasty surgery. During the consultation, talk about your medical history, including whether you have ever had a lump in your breast or another medical problem that affects your breast. The surgeon will also ask you about your family’s medical history.

Talk to your surgeon about your medical history and why you are looking for a mammoplasty. Be prepared to talk to your doctor about any breast problems you may have.

The surgeon may take pictures of your breasts, measure them, and talk to you about how much breast tissue needs to be removed to reach the target. You will also learn how to prepare for surgery and plan for recovery.

During the consultation, the surgeon will ask about your habits, including whether or not you smoke and what medications you are taking. To ensure proper recovery, you may have to quit smoking for a period before and after surgery. You may also have to stop taking certain medications, such as aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen or naproxen. The surgeon will give you instructions on what to do.

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