Semi-fancy nose

Semi-fantasy rhinoplasty is one of the most popular methods in rhinoplasty today, especially among women. Semi-fantasy nose surgery is a combination of natural and fantasy nose surgery. The changes made during this surgery will be so great that in addition to correcting the appearance of the nose and maintaining its natural appearance, try to raise the tip of the nose slightly and create a slight arch in the lateral view of the nose. So that the person’s nose does not look too abnormal or fancy.

Tips on Semi-Fantasy Rhinoplasty

It should be noted that to achieve the ideal result in semi-fantasy rhinoplasty, this surgery must be performed by a semi-fancy Rhinoplasty in Iran surgeon. Also, before semi-fantasy surgery, it is recommended that, first of all, the structure and type of the patient’s nose be examined by the surgeon and examined closely so that the person can undergo this surgery at his own discretion.

One of the requirements for semi-fancy nose surgery is to have a nose with thin skin and strong cartilage. In contrast, the fleshy nose has weak cartilage, loose and thick skin. People with fleshy noses are never a good choice for semi-fancy rhinoplasty and the best method for this type of nose is natural rhinoplasty.

In this model, the surgeon tries to combine the features of the previous two models. In such a way that the nose is both natural and fancy. In the semi-fantasy model, the doctor tries to match the size and shape of the nose with other parts of the face, causing the tip of the nose to be slightly higher than normal and the arch to be slightly longer. The nose in the semi-fantasy model is smaller than the normal model, but the nasal breathing function may not be normal.

The shape of the nose depends on many different factors, primarily the shape of the nasal bones and cartilage. During rhinoplasty, doctors are able to manipulate the shape of the nose by smoothing, enlarging, and strengthening the bones or cartilage of the nose.

Different Nose Shapes: Which One is Yours?

Although beauty is defined by the viewer and all types of noses have their own unique beauty benefits, Roman noses, high tip noses and Greek noses are the most popular shapes requested by plastic surgery candidates. Here are 12 common types of noses.

Fleshy nose

The most common type of nose is a fleshy nose. This type of nose, which has been called the “Einstein model” by some people, is known for its onion-shaped appearance.

Typically, fleshy noses are characterized by their large, protruding shape. They may even be small. In addition to Albert Einstein, many celebrities have fleshy noses, including Prince Philip and Mark Raffaello.

Tiptop nose

The tip-top nose is exactly what some expect: a relatively small nose with a recess in the middle of the bridge and a top tip. Celebrities such as Emma Stone Nose are prominent examples of this nose model, and according to plastic surgeons, her nose model is one of the most requested forms by people seeking rhinoplasty.

Sometimes, this type of nose may be pulled a little too high, as we saw in the case of Michael Jackson’s nose, but apart from such abnormalities, well-skilled rhino surgeons have completed this procedure. Along with Emma Stone, British actress Carrie Mulligan is also known for her high-nosed nose. About 13% of people have high noses.

Roman nose

Just like the romance nose that is the less common in Greece nose. This kind of nose is called the Roman because it resembles the noses found in the faces of many ancient Roman sculptures. The Roman nose is marked by its sloping curvature that is clearly protruding from the face. Its exaggerated bridge often has a slight curvature.

This European nose is often found in people who have a strong and distinct profile. Famous Roman noses include Ryan Gosling and Tom Cruise. Approximately 9% of the world’s population has a Roman nose.

Protruding nose

Approximately 9% of the population has a protruding nose, which is another of the most common nose shapes in the world. The nose is characterized by its raised shape or has a slight or prominent curvature in the sloping part of the nose.

People with a protruding nose are the most common candidates for rhinoplasty,

Because surgeons use simpler methods than other methods, such as enlarging and thinning the nose, to smooth the ridges (sometimes using non-knife or minimally invasive nose surgeries).

Barbara Streisand, In her youth, had a bulge in her nose that later she removed with rhinoplasty.

Wide nose

Because it resembles the nose of actress Helen Mirren, it is also called “Mirren”, the wide nose is thin and prominent in appearance. This nose is different from the upper tip nose because it is softer and rounder. According to studies, only 5% of people have a wide nose.

Eagle nose

The eagle’s nose is known for its striking curved shape and prominent bridge, as it resembles the curved beak of an eagle and other birds of prey. The eagle nose is also called the beak nose and is an effective factor in creating shapes with strong profiles. Celebrities with eagle noses include Adrian Brody, Barbara Streisand and Daniel Radcliffe. According to studies, 4.9% of people have eagle-shaped noses.

Greek nose

The Greek nose sometimes referred to as the “straight nose”, is often the envy of those with crooked noses. This type of nose is marked by its perfectly straight bridge, which is generally free of any curvature and takes its name from the perfectly straight noses in the ancient statues of the Greek gods.

A good example of a famous Greek-nose is Jennifer Aniston, who – not surprisingly – is a second-generation Greek. His father, Greek actor John Aniston, also has a Greek nose. Princess Kate Middleton is also a good example of a Greek nose. Only about 3% of people have a Greek nose shape.

Nubian nose

Nubian nose, also known as a wide nose, with a long bridge, is commonly seen in African races. People with nasal congestion tend to have rhinoplasty on a regular basis, often requesting a narrower nose.

Of course, we think Nubian noses do not need any correction, especially considering that some of the best celebrities – Beyoncé and Michael Ellie – have this nose shape.

East Asian nose

This shape of the nose varies from country to country. The East Asian nose is characterized by a narrow, flat shape with a shorter tip and is one of the most common nose shapes among residents of East Asia. Many Asians ask to improve the rest of their facial features to make their nose wider. Meanwhile, many people with wider and larger noses request surgery to make their noses look more like East Asian noses.

Nixon’s nose

This nose is named because of its resemblance to the nose of the 37th President of the United States Richard Nixon. This nose is one of the less common types. This type of nose is marked by its straight bridge, which is curved at the end with a wide tip. Less than 1% of the world’s population has this type of nose.

Onion nose

Found in less than 0.5% of the population, this rare form of the nose with a curved, rounded tip is known. The most famous example of a celebrity with an onion nose is Bill Clinton. The onion nose is often used as an exaggerated feature in caricatures and cartoons.

Combo nose

Although technically doesn’t have a unique shape, the combo nose uses different types of noses to create a unique shape. Barbra Streisand is a good example of a celebrity who (before rhinoplasty) had an eagle-shaped nose with a bulge. People with combo noses are like snowflakes, meaning that no two of them are alike.

For further information about Rhinoplasty in Iran, Contact us in Moj Aramesh Amitis

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