Knee replacement surgery tips

You go up the stairs and feel pain in your knees. Don’t you care? Are you driving and still have knee pain? Little by little you will find yourself struggling to do any simple task like walking with this pain. These pains remind you that there is a problem in your body and that you have to find the pain from your knee.

But what causes this successive knee pain in your knees?

Obesity: Do you think a few pounds of weight on your legs and knees can be thrown at the same time for years and expecting to work out smoothly? Calculate your body’s BMI and see what your body is overweight. Here’s how:
Height per meter in power 2 / Weight in kg = Body Mass Index (BMI)
According to the following figure, make the necessary comparisons to find out the status of excess fat in your body:
1. If the index is between 18.5 and 25, you have a normal weight
2. If the index is between 25 and 30, you’re overweight
3. If the index is between 30 and 40, you’re obese
4. If your index is above 40, you are either overweight or obese. Usually, people who are 45 kg more than normal-weight fall into this category.

Hopefully, by calculating your BMI you will know how much weight you have put on your feet and knees and find that these knee pains are a warning to your weight loss.
Heavy exercise: People who regularly do heavy exercise should be careful not to put too much pressure on their knees, causing knee joints to wear out and eventually cause serious injury.
People with musculoskeletal problems can only do light exercise, such as walking, if they do not have much pain, and should stop walking if they feel pain in the knee area.
Gastrointestinal Crohn’s Disease: About 5% of people with Crohn’s disease suffer from degenerative joint disease. It can cause problems in the knee, ankle, hand, wrist, and shoulder joints. Medication can be used to relieve joint pain, with rest, as instructed./ Knee Replacement in Iran
Gout: Gout, a form of arthritis, is most commonly seen in people who consume large amounts of red meat. Gout affects various areas of the body such as the knee, hands, thumbs, ankles, and wrists. Gout in the knee area occurs when your knee feels heat, pain, redness, swelling, and inflammation without any previous symptoms.
Rheumatism: Although rheumatism usually affects the whole body of the patient, the joints are the main sites of involvement in rheumatism. The knee joint is one of those joints that is involved in symptoms such as pain and swelling that will develop if the knee joint continues to develop. The treatment of knee rheumatism is in the early stages of starting pain, taking medication, and performing specific exercises that your doctor prescribes. But if the disease does not improve and worsen, it is usually suggested to have a knee replacement surgery.

Knee replacement surgery tips

Do I need a knee replacement?

1. If you are over 60 years old
2. If you have severe pain and stiffness in your knees and this pain prevents your daily activities like walking and walking without pain.
3. If you also have knee pain during rest
4. If you feel deformity and shape of the knee
5. If you have knee inflammation and swelling
6. If you have different treatments, such as physiotherapy, pharmacotherapy and weight loss, it does not have any effect on your recovery.

You may need surgery. To do this, you should consult a qualified orthopedic specialist. In Iran, there are good specialists in this field. Experts at Amitis Company will provide access to these doctors.


Before and After Arthroplasty

First and foremost, raise your level of knowledge about the type of surgery you should do. You are on the Amitis Company page to take the first step properly.
Accept this and believe that the desired outcome is the result of your interaction with your doctor. So stay with him and get all the tips and advice you need.
Cardiovascular Investigation: Since this surgery is usually performed in people over 60 years of age and perhaps due to various knee pain, they have not performed cardiac tests and tests so they should be performed complete, before surgery, and have your doctor examine them.
Spine Examination and Pelvic Joints: Many elderly people who have serious knee problems may also have problems in other parts of their skeletal system, such as the spine and pelvis, and perhaps after a doctor’s examination Recognize that their treatment is a priority over knee replacement surgery.
Prostate Problem in Men: Men who have prostate enlargement may have urinary tract problems after surgery because they underwent spinal anesthesia. To examine and test this before you start the surgery.
Osteoporosis: A candidate for surgery may have osteoporosis, which must begin treatment for osteoporosis or undergo surgery such as a prosthesis used for such patients before undergoing knee replacement surgery.
It is necessary to perform all kinds of tests such as thyroid, hypertension, diabetes, etc. before surgery.
Eating some anticoagulants, such as aspirin, should be discontinued about a week before surgery.
Before undergoing surgery, the physician must make sure that the patient has the necessary tests, such as urine analysis, to ensure that there are no asymptomatic infections in the body.
Your doctor should make sure that you follow all possible procedures before surgery. Choose ways like drug therapy and physiotherapy if you don’t get the results you want.


In this surgery, the doctor removes bones and damaged cartilage from the knee and when the new joint is in place, the muscles and ligaments are restored. At the end of this 2-hour surgery under complete or local anesthesia, your skin is sutured and closed. People who have undergone surgery for up to 25 years can walk more easily and have less pain. You should spend a few nights in the hospital after surgery. Don’t worry about the pain after surgery. The treatment team with painkillers will reduce your pain and help you move your legs as soon as possible after surgery. Walking increases blood flow to the muscles of the body and helps reduce swelling.

Techniques for knee joint prosthesis:

Paste: In this method, the artificial joints adhere to the bones with special glue.
Non-adhesive method: In this case, the artificial joints are carefully inserted between the bones. In some parts, the prosthetic joint is tightened with screws at the bone graft to keep the joint stable.
Hybrid Method: A combination of the two methods above

Knee replacement surgery tips


Postoperative Care:

Post-operative care is as important as the surgery itself, so be careful about what the doctor and treatment team teach you when you leave the hospital.
One of the most important post-operative cares is wound care, which means that any contamination that may cause infection at the surgical site must be eliminated. Your wound should not become infected. For this purpose, it is necessary to wash the surgical site every three days and replace the dressing. When bathing, gently wash the wound with soap and water, then dry the wound area with a hairdryer and then re-dress the wound. However, all of this should be done when your doctor has allowed you to walk and bathe./ Knee Replacement in Iran


The speed of recovery varies widely among different patients, but generally considers the following to return to normal activities:
1. Doing homework 3 to 6 weeks after surgery
2. Sexual activity 6 to 8 weeks after surgery
3. Swimming 6 to 8 weeks after surgery
4. Driving 6 to 8 weeks after right knee surgery (if your left knee is replaced you may be able to restart after a week).
Finally, we again emphasize that post-operative care such as knee replacement is as important as the surgery.

One thought on “Knee replacement surgery tips

  1. Erika Brady says:

    It’s great that this article explains how knee replacement can be an option for osteoporosis treatment. If someone is considering this, it would probably be a good idea to find a local specialist for knee replacement surgery. Working with a specialist early on could give you the opportunity to get their help with figuring out if this is the best treatment option and start a recovery plan so you can ensure that you can get back to your normal life as soon as possible.

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