With age, the skin and tissue of the eyebrows usually lose their elasticity and the eyebrows become drooping. With drooping eyebrows, the distance between the eyelashes and the eyebrows is shortened, which can make your face look tired, sad, or angry. With eyebrow lift, this problem can be solved and a fresh and youthful appearance can be restored to the face.

If the applicant wishes to have this surgery, eyebrow lift can be done with other rejuvenation methods such as eyelid lift or cheek lift. If the eyebrows are asymmetrical, low back, and drooping, eyebrow lift surgery can solve all these problems and increase a person’s self-confidence. In the continuation of this article, we will examine the eyebrow and forehead lift from Amitis Health Tourism Company.

Why Eyebrow Lift in Iran

Iran is one of the best countries in the field of cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgeries such as eyebrow lifts are performed in advanced hospitals and clinics by experienced and trained specialists with up-to-date knowledge.

In addition, eyebrow and forehead lift surgeons in Iran have graduated from the best universities in Iran and have completed specialized and fellowship courses in top institutions in Iran and Europe. If you currently live in a country where there is no skilled plastic surgeon or the cost of eyebrow lift surgery is high, you can get eyebrow and forehead lift.

by the best Iranian surgeons, with the highest quality and at the same time, the most reasonable price compared to other countries. Do it in Iran.

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The Cost of Brow Lift Surgery in Iran and Other Countries

The cost of eyebrow and forehead lift surgery in Iran depends on several factors. These include the surgeon’s experience and reputation, your expectations of the eyebrow lift and the clinic where you perform the eyebrow lift, and other points of interest; But in general, the cost of eyebrow lift in Iran is much lower than in other countries.

The cost of eyebrow lift surgery in Iran is about $ 1,800 to $ 3,800, which includes all related costs such as tests, anesthesia, medication, clinic, doctor, etc.


Brow Lift Surgery in Iran

General Information

Bronze Package
From $1790
No hotel
Silver Package
From $1880
2-night stay in a 3-stars hotel
Golden Package
From $1940
2-night stay in a 5-stars hotel

Brow Lift Surgery in Iran
Brow Lift Surgery in Iran

Visit Iran with Us

Moj Aramesh Amitis Company has considered the best and most luxurious hotels to host you in various cities such as Tehran, Mashhad, Tabriz and Shiraz to ensure your welfare and comfort during the stay. Depending on the package you choose and the location of the hospital where you will go through the treatment process, you can stay in one of these three to five star hotels. Also, the rich history of Iran and the pristine and wonderful nature of this vast country has created a good opportunity for you dear applicants to enjoy the pleasure of sightseeing one of the most beautiful countries in the world along with treatment.

Hotels Iran Tourism

Brow Lift Surgery in Iran FAQ

Is eyebrow lift surgery painful?

No, you will be given an anesthetic at the beginning of the operation, which will make you feel no pain during the operation. But after surgery, it is common to have mild pain that can be relieved with painkillers.

Do I need leave to recover?

We recommend that you do not go to work for one to two weeks after the eyebrow and forehead lift, and rest during this time to improve the pain and swelling in the incision area.

Can non-surgical methods be used for eyebrow lift?

 Quality and longevity There is no lasting method other than eyebrow lift surgery. But non-surgical options such as Botox and lasers are also suitable for people who do not want eyebrow lift surgery.

How long does an eyebrow lift last?

Eyebrow lifts last an average of about 10 to 15 years, But the durability of eyebrow lift depends on several factors. Including people’s genetics, lifestyle and personal habits, long-term exposure to sunlight, skincare, and the aging process. It is noteworthy that the durability of eyebrow lift is so high that with age and during the aging process, the face of a fresh and young person can be seen.

May I have a scar after an eyebrow lift?

Scars and scars can be caused by a surgical incision, and the severity varies from person to person, depending on how you do it. 

However, because surgical incisions are made behind the hairline, hair growth can cause scarring.

What people are suitable for eyebrow lift surgery?

 In general, eyebrow lift surgery is suitable for women who have drooping eyebrows with age, which makes them look older. These people can have fresher and younger faces with an eyebrow lift. Also, people who have low back eyebrows can make their eyebrows look fuller and more regular with an eyebrow lift.

At what age can eyebrow lift be done?

Eyebrow lifts are usually age-restricted and can be performed by young women. But the best time for an eyebrow lift is when the eyebrows are drooping and this drooping harms their face.

Does eyebrow lift surgery cause eyebrow asymmetry?

Sometimes eyebrow and forehead lifts can lead to asymmetry of the eyebrows. So that one eyebrow is higher or lower than the other eyebrow. In addition, the eyebrows may be too high and look bad. 

However, sometimes the asymmetry of the eyebrows resolves in the healing process, but if the asymmetry of the eyebrows does not disappear over time, it can be removed with re-surgery.

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Brow Lift Surgery in Iran

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