LASIK vision correction has been performed worldwide for over 25 years. This surgery was first performed in the United States in 1991. In Canada, both LASIK and PRK were first performed in 1990. Ophthalmologists have been reshaping the cornea for more than 50 years, creating a tissue-protective layer on the cornea for more than 35 years, and have been using excimer lasers to treat refractive errors since the 1980s. If you are tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses, you may be wondering if LASIK surgery is right for you.

A recent study conducted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) examined LASIK results and showed that 98% of patients were satisfied with the results of their LASIK operation. In general, most people who have undergone laser-assisted keratomileusis (LASIK) eye surgery have a vision of 25/20 or better, which is good for most activities, and most people need glasses to drive at night or study as they age.

LASIK surgery has a good history of treatment and complications that lead to visual loss is very rare and most people are satisfied with the results. Some side effects, especially dry eyes, and temporary visual impairments are almost common. But these are usually resolved after a few weeks or months, and very few people see them as a long-term problem. The results of your LASIK surgery depend on the refractive error of your eye and other factors. People with mild myopia have the most success in refractive surgery. People with high hyperopia numbers along with astigmatism have less predictable results.

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The Cost of Lasik in Iran and Other Countries

On average, LASIK costs in America between $2,000 and $3,000 per eye and is not covered by insurance because of beauty or the practice of being an elective.

The cost of this surgery is only $ 800 to $ 1500 per eye, depending on the package you choose. These packages include the cost of each eye service (visit, test, transfer, translator), hotel accommodation (depending on your choice), free SIM card and internet, and one-day city tour with free dinner.

The surgery costs about $3,000 in Europe, $1,500 in Turkey, and $1200 in India.

Lasik in Iran

General Information


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Lasik in Iran FAQ

What happens if you blink during laser eye surgery?

This does not happen. Your surgeon puts a simple eye holder over your eye so you cannot blink.

Can I watch TV after LASIK?

Since your eyes are still improving, they have a special allergy within the first 24 hours after LASIK surgery. It is therefore advisable to wait at least 24 hours to watch TV again. Watching TV immediately after surgery can cause fatigue to your eyes, negatively affecting the healing process.

Will the score of your eyes remain constant after LASIK?

How long LASIK remains depends on your age in LASIK and how much your eye number changes. Most people who do LASIK are satisfied with their eyesight for up to 10 years.

Can you drive a few days after LASIK?

The amount of time each patient has to wait for driving after LASIK surgery will vary based on each individual. However, most people are allowed to drive as soon as the next day of surgery. The day after the surgery, a postoperative examination will be performed. During this examination, the patient’s eyesight will be checked.

How safe is LASIK?

Most studies show that LASIK has minimal risks of complications. LASIK surgery is a surgery performed on the delicate part of the eye and may therefore cause complications.

Does LASIK surgery hurt?

Patients are given local anesthetics (eye drops) to numb the eye, so they do not feel any pain during the operation. When the surgeon applies the vacuum ring, the patient feels a little pressure before the vision goes away for a few seconds. For several hours after surgery, many patients describe a mild feeling of “foreign body existence”. Some people feel that there is a dirty contact lens in their eyes. After the first few hours, this uncomfortable feeling usually subsides.

What type of anesthesia is used for LASIK?

This procedure is performed under local anesthesia (eye drops) that numbs the eye. Patients may be given small amounts of oral sedatives to help with relaxation.

How long should I rest after LASIK?

It depends on your job. Some jobs that require extreme vision clarity (e.g. dentistry and surgery) may be difficult to do for a day or two. Assuming vision is enough for their work, most patients can return to work the next day. However, some people may feel tired after surgery a day or more.

Can I exercise after LASIK surgery?

You can resume most of your normal activities immediately after laser eye surgery. However, you should avoid doing activities that can cause sweating in your eyes for at least two weeks. When doing martial arts, whether you have had surgery or should not, you should wear goggles. It is also necessary to avoid certain activities such as martial arts and swimming for at least 1 week. In relation to restrictions on specific activities after LASIK eye surgery, it is important to consult your doctor.

Can I drive immediately after LASIK?

Patients may experience some discomfort or blurred vision for several hours after laser eye surgery. In addition, most patients receive a sedative before vision correction surgery. Therefore, you cannot drive home after LASIK and you should plan not to drive for at least 24 hours.

1. How long does it take for me to see well and how long does it take for me to experience my best vision?

Rapid visual recovery is the hallmark of this action. Most patients achieve good vision on the day of surgery. However, vision improvement can continue and the best vision may take two to three months. Far-sighted patients undergoing LASIK vision correction usually have to wait longer to see clearly. Normally, seeing very good details takes a week or two, and the end result is seen several months after surgery.

Will my eyes be different after LASIK vision correction?

No, your eyes look exactly the same after the operation.

How long does the LASIK procedure take?

The whole procedure takes about 10 minutes for both eyes, including flapping and laser procedures. A real laser uses an average of fewer than 20 seconds per eye.

Can I perform LASIK surgery for both eyes at the same time?

You can have LASIK eye surgery on both eyes at the same time. In the vast majority of cases, bilateral LASIK eye surgery has been shown to be safe and effective. In fact, more than 95% of people decide that both eyes are done at the same time. If your first eye surgery is not complete, your doctor will probably prevent the second eye from continuing.

Do I need to wear glasses after my eyes have healed?

Most LASIK patients do not wear glasses for their daily activities. However, patients over the age of 40 may need to wear reading glasses. It is important to note that this condition occurs with or without LASIK vision correction.

Will my eyes dry out after LASIK surgery?

Although rare, all patients should be aware that dry eye is a potential complication of LASIK eye surgery. If you suffer from a history of dry eye or have trouble wearing contact lenses, your surgeon will carefully test you to see if you may have this complication after surgery. After surgery, all patients should use artificial tear drops if necessary.

How will I see at night or in low light after LASIK surgery?

With LASIK eye surgery, the vast majority of nocturnal vision disorders are eliminated because the treated cornea is larger than the size of the pupil. Some patients may temporarily experience a slight glow, halo, or stars around the lamp in low light or low light conditions after surgery. These symptoms usually do not interfere with night driving or night activities. For the vast majority, these symptoms are temporary and usually last a few days to a week.

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Lasik in Iran

LASIK in Iran

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