Tests before Rhinoplasty

Some people who want to perform rhinoplasty, become anxious near the date of surgery. Although this is usual, but if patient has higher awareness about surgery and is more prepared for it, he/she will have less anxiety before surgery.

At the following, all points and instructions of preparation for surgery including pre-operative tests, are mentioned. Therefore, all things will progress easily as much as possible and rhinoplasty will be successful. At the end of reading this subject, you know all things about rhinoplasty from pre-operative tests to pre-operative diet.

Preparing for surgery

We know that as becoming near to surgery date, some patients feel excitement and anxiety. This sense is natural and usual, because rhinoplasty has significant effect on beauty of person’s face and thereby his/her life.

For complete preparation for surgery, we invite you to put time and read this subject to the end.

Pre-operative consultation and examination

Surgeon should perceive your health status so that becomes sure of your preparation for rhinoplasty. During visit before surgery, doctor considers all your medical records including nasal septum deviation, surgeries and any other disease that may influence surgery process. For example, patients with blood disorders including hemophilia, aren’t good candidates for rhinoplasty.

Physical examination

Physical examination is one of the preparation steps for rhinoplasty that has direct influence on result of surgery.

During physical examination, doctor examines nasal valves, osteogenic and cartilaginous disorders, skin thickness and lipid glands.

Furthermore, the usual respiratory way of person is examined to see if it is performed through mouth or nose. These pre-operative examinations help surgeon to provide a proper program for surgery.

Doctor considers these cases through visual consideration and examination. Measuring height, weight and blood pressure are from necessary preoperative examinations for rhinoplasty.

Tests before RhinoplastyImaging

Doctor or his/her assistant registers high-quality images of your nose from different angles. These images help the post-operative evaluation and also imaging may be necessary during surgery for better understanding of nose shape and getting desired results.

The images are usually taken from eight different angles. Including:

  • Anterior angle
  • Right lateral angle
  • Right inclined angle
  • Left lateral angle
  • Left inclined angle
  • Basis angle
  • Upper angle
  • Side-view angle with smile

Remember that you shouldn’t use any type of makeup or wear glasses while imaging because they influence final images.

To predict potential results, doctor may manipulate images by computer. You can also speak about your concerns and desired results during examination meetings.

Before rhinoplasty, never cancel preoperative consultation. Speak about your concerns and expectations with surgeon. If function of your nose has problem including septum deviation or other respiratory problems, certainly tell your doctor before surgery.

What are pre-operative tests of rhinoplasty?

Blood test

Blood test is a usual test before operation that is also performed before rhinoplasty and it just takes 20 minutes. This test is performed simply by using a small sample of vessel blood through a syringe. Doctor considers the existence of any kind of infection, anemia or disorder in blood clotting through results of test. Measured criteria in blood test include following cases:

  • FBS for considering blood glucose level
  • CBC for diagnosing anemia
  • PT and PTT for preventing any inexplicable bleeding or improper blood clotting
  • Probability of hepatitis and HIV

Other examinations that may be prescribed by doctor

According to results of blood test and person’s general health status, some other test may be needed before surgery. Doctor may prescribe an X-ray scan for considering status of lungs and ECG for examining heart status.

Electrocardiography (EGC)

EGC is a medical test that records electric function of heart. This test is an obligation for individuals over 40 years old. EGC may determine whether patient has ever had heart-attack or not. It also provides information about tolerance threshold of heart so that it can show whether patient can tolerate stress resulting from surgery or not.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) – pregnancy test

For women who are suspected of being pregnant, pregnancy test is an obligation. If individual is pregnant, surgeons will usually postpone the operation.

Tests before RhinoplastyX-ray imaging of chest

X-ray test is usually prescribed for individuals who smoke or have respiratory disease. This test provides doctor with some information about individual’s lungs status and the way of his/her lungs’ response to anesthesia.

Surgery of patients who suffer pneumonia or other severe respiratory disorders may be delayed or canceled.

Computerized Tomography Scan (C.T Scan)

According to conditions and purpose of surgery, doctor may want to consider inside of your nose by C.T scan.

Through advanced imaging of CT-Scan, doctor can diagnose whether person suffers from any sinusoidal infection, polyp or septum deviation or not. In most cases, doctor treats nasal problems and performs surgery simultaneously.

Psychological examination

According to report of American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), for patients that may have extra obsession about their appearance, psychological examination before beauty surgeries including rhinoplasty, has high importance.

For example, some people exaggerate their appearance deficiency. They usually make bigger every trivial problem. In most cases, these individuals have performed several beauty surgeries by different surgeons. In such conditions, a psychological evaluation may help person to accept his/her appearance without going under surgery interventions.

Some points about preparing before performance of rhinoplasty

In addition to mentioned tests, there are a set of points in rhinoplasty that help person with performing surgery in the best way and getting best result. Before going to hospital, receive information about all thing that you should done.

Don’t consume aspirin, ibuprofen and vitamin E!

From two weeks before surgery, don’t consume some specific drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve) and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and also vitamin E, because they cause extra bleeding during surgery.

Also, you shouldn’t use herbal supplements and fish oil. These kind of drugs are blood diluent and cause extra bleeding during operation. Individuals are just allowed to consume drugs prescribed by doctor.

3.2. Stop smoking a week before surgery

It doesn’t matter if the person is a smoker or has been exposed to smoke of others’ cigarette; nicotine causes serious complications during life.

By smoking, carbon dioxide influences vessels negatively and nicotine limits the amount of oxygen that should be attained by different parts of body. This may cause some complications during surgery and delaying recovery of wound.

Skin disappearance, anesthesia dangers and even infection, are other potential complications of nicotine. To prevent such problems, doctor may recommend you to stop smoking 2 – 3 weeks before surgery. As a principle, the shorter the time of nicotine consumption is, surgery will have a better result./ Rhinoplasty in Iran

Increase the amount of protein consumption

Diet before rhinoplasty is very important and should be taken serious while person is preparing for surgery.

It is recommended that start using foods with very rich protein like egg, meat, soybean and chicken. Protein improves recovery trend and help patients to overcome surgery damages.

Don’t eat and drink anything from night before surgery

Surgeon may ask you to fast before surgery. Patients usually are asked not to eat anything after midnight before operation, because surgery will be safer when stomach is empty. Its reason is that at the time of anesthesia, body cannot prevent the entrance of stomach contents into lungs and thereby causes respiratory problems.

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